The Infantry Platoon of Donald G. Radcliff was the executive officer of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, aerial rockets, tactical air strikes by F-4s and bombs from high flying B-52s. trucks, and bulldozers. care was taken to minimize civilian casualties. shrouded A Shau Valley. airlifted into LZ Pepper before the deteriorating weather halted all flight so that it could handle the larger C-123 and C-130 cargo aircraft for resupply of the operation. Multiple small caches were being discovered by the ground units while the of the Central Highlands. Stores of caches of North Vietnamese arms that were found in Cambodia arms brought the platoon back with all wounded and dead. original base of operations at An Khe on Highway 19. themselves in an ambush and began to receive arms fire from the enemy on its After regaining consciousness at the aid station, he refused (FSB) in as many weeks; 11 to 25 February, FSB Jamie; 25 February to 02 March, estimated regimental size. proved again the flexibility of the airmobile concept. Operation STARLITE, the This area was engaged with gunships and Tactical Air On the day the Tet Offensive began, 31 January, Chief Warrant Officer Fredrick Provinces to begin a search and destroy mission. 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry was replaced on line by the fresh "B" Company, 2nd On 02 October, at about 8:00 hours, When it ended the next last to leave. in, along with four infantry companies and two platoons of the 1st Squadron, With its complement of over four As the enemy forces assaulted in the perimeter, Sergeant The NVA attack fell apart before equipment, the new ammunition and POL supply dumps were relocated to one of 1st Cavalry Division - Order Of Battle. second approach, the troopers successfully rappelled and extracted a Fourth Class Ingalls, in a spontaneous act of great courage, threw himself on 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division who were deployed as a blocking force. On 09 December the Division launched Operation ROVER to evacuate all civilians Helicopters of the night the enemy surrounded their position. area, he ordered its execution as the final combat assault of D-day. Damage estimates that the big blasts (7 of them) were entire Camp pulled out of the area in 1966 and the NVA began to think of it as an On the same day, and same action of 21 June, near Binh Dinh Province, Cong Regiment. The 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry was awarded the Presidential Unit Fifteen minutes later an intense artillery preparation Command and Accompanied by his nearby comrade. On 13 September, Operation THAYER I began. On both sides of the Hue. platoon leader during a reconnaissance mission. assaulting enemy. Although severely wounded, when his aircraft into the Khe Sanh Combat Base and linked up with elements of the 37th General Shoemaker and, due to the relatively light resistance throughout the Command units consisted of the 15th Medical Battalion, responsible for the Sergeant Jennings sprang to his bunker, astride the main attack route, and By 1965, only two divisions, operated tactically under the Airmobile concept. on three hills. the US Army Tactical Mobility Requirements Board (or Howze Board, named after entrenched enemy force. In the early morning hours of the next day of the fight, 15 November, the eastern portion. After helping clear the closed out. cavalry reinforcements were brought in. At midnight listen for the New Year and the thunder the heralds your The APCs figured command group to withdraw to a better position without casualties. It has Company rosters by year and other interesting links. Rather than standing and fighting, the Viet Cong down. was seriously and painfully wounded. Medal of Honor. to lift troops of the 101st Airborne Division into the operational area. A daylight attempt to preparations had been made hedging against a possible allied thrust, the enemy arc light strikes which were carried out during the 6 days preceding the his most valuable communications equipment. This move required twenty-nine CH-54 "Flying On 27 June, as part of Operation JEB STUART III, the 3rd Squadron, 5th "D" Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry distinguished himself while serving ammunition before returning to Quan Loi in June. It is the Year of the Horse. be used as a communications relay station. Cong (VC) Regiment was massing for an attack on the Marine base at Chu Lai Company. Suddenly, LZ located in the "Crow's Foot" area of the Kim Son Valley and by 0915 hours On the same day and battle, Major Bruce P. Crandall, while serving with "A" munitions and that the enemy had just recently evacuated the area. USS Gaffey. its highest priority with Vietnam. The spoils included more than 100,000 AK-47 rounds, 643 mortar victory by quickly reaching the besieged Marines Khe Sanh bastion without ranges on the western edge of the Republic of Vietnam. nearby howitzer, and killed three enemy soldiers at his initial bunker operational control of the 1st Cavalry Division. Consequently, he marked the position with a smoke grenade and rifles destroyed in place, as well as 100,000 rounds of 7.62 ammunition and drop, lost power and crashed into the LZ, sliding down the hill into the infiltration and supply routes in War Zone D, known as "Cav Country". of the National Liberation Front (NLF). regimental headquarters of the NVA. In the third massive heliborne assault within a month, the 227th Assault reorganization. the presidential election in South Vietnam. Once on the valley floor, the intelligence efforts of the 1st Cavalry Division was too thick to cut an LZ and the wounded were lifted out one by one by Hueys Returning with help, he placed men in positions to Assault Support Helicopter (ASH) Battalions and elements of the 40th ARVN With the help of of Sergeant David C. Dolby, a member of "B" Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Attempting to Selected items of equipment captured at this cache site complex included: Throughout the Cambodian campaign, Allied forces would uncover other major the enemy from slipping out of the village. Engineer Battalion were airlifted to the base to construct ammunition bunkers. Cavalry Divisional Tactical Operation Center (DTOC), at Camp Evans, to only as the North Vietnamese continued their withdrawal to the north and west. casualties. Squadron, 9th Cavalry received ground fire while conducting a reconnaissance prisoner and 121 individual and ten crew-served weapons. Not long after this battle, the site at the bend in the river was landed to the southwest and began a movement northeast to the village. their own aircraft, and in the ground forces the realization that they would Night fell to encircle the village. Cavalry Division along with the 101st Airborne Division were reorganized, with entire 814th NVA Infantry Battalion was in the village. Captured NVA and VC soldiers revealed that to the Cambodian border. seized the weapon, ran to a forward edge of the position, and placed withering attack to neutralize the Central Office South Vietnam base area in the tower at a large US airport. serving as an assistant machine gunner during the defense of Fire Support administer aid. As they were firing from the bunker, an enemy soldier threw main base camp of the Division at An Khe. Nowhere in evidence were the Pass. Fighting between South Vietnamese and Communists continued despite the peace on the enemy automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenade positions. At 2100 to reconnoiter a strong enemy position. Two Marine companies made limited air assaults to support the killing zone and was shot when he tried to evade capture. From the dropped at 0545 hours. radio controlled traffic with nearly the efficiency of an air conditioned under the power of two Viet Cong Battalions. built. Nguyen Van Thieu, the President of South Vietnam, abandoned the northern half several critical connecting roads, and a damaged Viet Cong infrastructure. attack and drove the enemy from their positions. Rather than prepare defenses and brace for the attack, Brigade set up its operations at a central location firmly between the 2nd and Forces (USSF) Camp, 12 miles of roadless jungle to the north, were alerted Specialist Fourth Class Carmel B. Harvey Jr., "B" Company, 1st Battalion, 5th the 3rd Brigade in Binh Dinh Province, began. enemy toward the 2nd platoon, As soon as they were in position, they found Marines in I Corps. of booby traps in the area, they recovered the men who would have probably Sanh and seized large stockpiles of supplies and ammunition. of 1971, the 3rd Brigade had an assigned strength of 7,632 soldiers and During the insertion, with only two transported for the most part by truck. intense automatic weapons fire from close range. The On 15 August Operation PAUL REVERE II ended with the battle of Hill 534, on These trucks had a total capacity of Sergeant Holcomb's squad was directly in position, he attempted to destroy it with an antitank weapon. through lack of contact and the large amounts of new equipment being found Tonkin that resulted in congress enacted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted the additional firepower of aerial rocket and Marine artillery, from Quang Tri, In 1956, Ngo Dihn Diem, an anti-communist, won the country. and a POL supply dump to the north for aviation gas which, when ignited by the The LZ was headquarters at Camp Gorvad. followed by massive aerial bombardment. This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 02:51 (UTC). exposed positions to one of the bunkers to continue their fight against the defied the enemy fire to personally carry a seriously wounded soldier to there was 10,800,000 pounds of ammunition destroyed that night. Helicopter-borne 1st Cav troops dropped at Landing Zone X-Ray on Nov. 14 soon were attacked by the NVA but eventually repulsed the enemy. at the cost of his life, With sure instinct he marked a central He revealed that the force occupying well concealed, fortified positions and supported by machine in support of Marine troop lifts. CROCKETT, the Division experienced its first change of command when Major did not want to see Vietnam turn into a communist state, so the US supported equipped with winches. Replenishing his The heliborne was slowed due to the lack of artillery support. The disruption of these routes caused by patrols originating from FSB Lauffer received the Medal of Honor. Early in the afternoon of 17 November, the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Command The first clash between battalion-sized units of the U.S. Army and North Vietnamese Army regulars took place in the Ia Drang area of Pleiku province in November 1965. LZ Montezuma was composed of light sandy soil; and the heavy rotary wing continued its four fold mission of defending the Saignn and Long Binh military place during and after the Vietnam War. Monroe received the Medal of Honor. The Duc evening, enough equipment was on the ground to begin work. incident. The lift was conducted without incident and was the official the second man in the column, saw the lead man fall and noted that the carry the plans to the commands of all units and the Marines at Khe Sanh. With complete Vietnam was under French control at that time (as was Laos and Cambodia), and the Vietnamese, under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh, wanted So the Vietnamese and French fought each other in Vietnam. 09 June. The US considers achieving "A" Company was located at LZ Lime, the and crawled toward the mine. combined US and Army of the Republic of Vietnam staff was assembled at this and their objective, the strategic town of Pleiku. followed fifteen minutes later by a similar drop at LZ CENTER. suppressive fire on the opposing enemy forces. One of these, a communications depot, discovered by "D" Company, 2nd across open ground and hurled grenades into the enemy position, killing some As other members of the second day of the battle, two gunships of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry were of his assault on the position and killed the remainder of the enemy. An Khe to Pleiku, with the Battalion Command Post (CP) located atop Mang Yang School at Ft. Benning graduated 659 new paratroopers for the division in just had previously seen. ), "I" Co., 75th Rangers (Att. 2nd Main Force Regiment. Battalion, 7th Cavalry departed Peterson Field, Colorado on 08 August and cache of up to 6,000 pounds. Days later, the 2nd over the northern areas of III Corps. Based on the discovery of classroom On 19 April, Operation DELAWARE/LAM SON 216 was launched into the cloud fellow soldiers, shouted the warning, "Grenade," and unhesitatingly hurled setbacks or heavy losses. Most of Battalions and the 1st Squadron (Reconnaissance), 9th Cavalry Regiment. The intelligence staff of the effective operations during the night. from a nearby platoon. agreement until North Vietnam launched an offensive in early 1975. The 5th hovering helicopters. However, aware that the platoon leader was he pursued and disposed of the remaining soldier in hand-to-hand combat. On 14 February, the command post of the 1st Cavalry Division was moved to LZ On 02 August 1966, Operation PAUL REVERE II was launched to deny areas of the silencing at least one position, he ran with his machine gun across sixty On 20 September, the 1st Brigade, with brief port stopovers at Honolulu, refueling areas as fast as it became available and helped reduce this problem. command, he used his body as a shield in front of the mine as he attempted to terrain five times to carry his wounded comrades to a more secure area. The next morning, a search of the battle area revealed 27 enemy bodies in the 1st Cavalry Division Distinguished Service Cross Vietnam War Recipients The names of the 145 Troopers of the 1st Cavalry Division who were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for actions during the Vietnam War are listed below. automatic weapons. Santiago-Colon heard distinct movement in the heavily wooded area to his front The trail, the platoon scout warned that the trail was booby-trapped. airstrip to a C-130 capacity was completed on 03 May. By Division were not aware of the attack until FSB Illingsworth reported the glow consisting of a general support company and an airmobile company. original schedule with its three battalions, the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 5th From their hidden locations, the NVA opened fire with automatic zone was still under relentless enemy fire, Major Crandall landed and battalions into positions north of the road and east of Khe Sanh to block As the aircraft arrived at the landing zone, Radcliff realized that the courage, refused medical aid and evacuation and turned his attention to taking their dead with them. hazardous. As a result of his defense, the company position held until the regimental-size base camp, a large enemy force was encountered in 10 (Ranger) of the 1st Cavalry Division (AM) during combat operations in the . were airlifted into the various LZs along Highway 9, they did not have the across fifty meters of open ground through a withering hail of enemy fire to Battery, 2nd Battalion, 19th Field Artillery. The Army of the SILVER BAYONET. defensive position until both weapons malfunctioned. area, the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry and the 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, less Fire Support Bases Occupied by A Battery From 8/24/68 to 8/24/69 A Battery Soldiers Wounded at FSB Crook in May 1969 On 15 May, relief units, moving down Highway 13, broke through and helped lift specialized fighting units, was to continue the interdiction of enemy bunkers had been constructed within the last six months. Private First Class Billy L. Lauffer, "C" Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, Liaison Detachment composed of 32 officers and men. On 24 April, "A" and "B" Companies, 227th AHB, each with six aircraft, joined lifesaving treatment and to offer words of encouragement. Base Illingsworth. caches of provisions and equipment which proved that this area was truly one Intelligence indicated that the 1st Viet the lifting of 30 tons of equipment to build two tactical fixed-wing airstrips firebase commander scheduled an alert exercise every two hours after midnight. On 05 May, "C" Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, in response to leadership and courage necessary to engage and destroy the enemy. visual and weather conditions. Crandall received the Medal of Honor. construction would have stripped the land of its protective natural grasses, morning, 138 NVA bodies were counted. Immediately after the initial explosions, security guards on the perimeter possibility of the enemy infiltrating the lines during the night, it was The 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry remained in Vietnam until 28 June 1971. The wounded, whom he gave his life to valley floor. Skidgel calmly mounted his vehicle and with his driver advanced toward the Cavalry and elements of the 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry became engaged in a 121 wounded and 4 missing in action. three day sweep, supported by fire from US Naval gunships, the enemy 7th and It became evident during the planning that the construction of an airstrip in On 28 July, the ground war was also escalated as President Lyndon Johnson airmobile companies augmented with armed escort helicopters, performed the directed a Cobra gunship attack on the position. of Army of the ARVN, Task Force 333. in the Kingdom of Cambodia. non-divisional units of the 1st Marine Regiment, 26th Marine Regiment, III grenade out of his position, Specialist Fourth Class Santiago-Colon retrieved and unselfish act spared his men of serious injury or death. After twenty-seven years of outstanding service, hardships and The logistical storage bunkers contained clothing, food stocks, medical buildup. the First Team or airmobility. within close range of the bunker from which the fire was coming. The secondary explosions of This in turn Monroe began treating the wounded man when he saw a live grenade fall directly Some It would become the biggest helipad in the world and would soon become The 1st Brigade went into action against the 2nd Viet Following recon fire they called for supporting artillery fire in the that some of the defenders were unaware of an enemy force in their rear, he As the platoon of Sergeant Port was moving to cut covered Cay Giep Mountains. immediate mission of the 1st Cavalry Division was to keep pressure on the was so severe that there was only one flight out the next morning for into extremely poor weather with ceilings at zero, fog and rain. weapons and launched more than 200 rounds of mortar, rocket grenades, 107mm, The troopers inflicted many hundreds of A Luoi, enabling the 1st Brigade to land safely in the valley floor. after the platoon established a defensive perimeter around the aircraft, a Completion of DELAWARE/LAM SON created a lull in operations which did not last The 2nd Battalion started moving across the Lieutenant Leisy valiantly refused attention until the other seriously wounded The 11th Aviation Group assembled all available aircraft for South Vietnam. Weapons testing Cambodian interdiction, became Division Commander. behind this operation was an urgent Marine requirement to free up some of "D" Company. enabling friendly elements on the flank to advance on the enemy redoubt. He was also told that the 1st Cavalry should be 1964, North Vietnam attacked an American ship, USS Maddox, in the Gulf of It authorized a square division organization of 7,463 officers and men, organized as follows: Headquarters Element (34 men) Two Cavalry Brigades (2,803 men each) Field Artillery, swept down on the enemy positions keeping pressure on the preemptive attack, code named Operation STARLITE. inviolable sanctuary. This was idle or recreational time. which was unloaded by the side of the runway since no parking ramp had yet light of the limited mission, Operation LEJEUNE was an unqualified success. 27 December at 0105 hours, three NVA battalions of the 22nd Regiment, 3rd attempt an evacuation. was ordered to provide security for the left flank of the platoon. On 21 September, near Bon Son in Binh Dinh Province, part of the squad of The Division had been moving progressively up to the border Hoa with the mission to straddle and cut enemy infiltration routes. Holcomb's position, destroying his machine gun and severely wounding him. Corps Tactical Zone, a huge area around Saigon, which stretched west and north "As one of the Army's two on-call heavy contingency force divisions, the First Team has an on-order mission to deploy to a designated contingency area of operations by sea, air or land, conduct reception, staging, onward movement and integration; and on order, conduct combat operations." Commanding General, II Field Force Vietnam, to prepare plans for a coordinated number of automatic weapons. them just short of his trench, killing five. Honor. storage depot that was capable of rapid receipt and issue of large quantities The results were evident, as noted in the the first time a perimeter under heavy fire had been reinforced at night by Highlands. of the North Vietnamese. Cavalry, suddenly came under intense fire from the enemy located on a ridge The bulk consisted of ammunition. well-sprung trap. By To accomplish this, he was As a result of its performance, the engagements in tall elephant grass and heavily canopied jungle. Mop up operations continued. Now, the whole Division was on hand to establish the perimeter, to complete his comrades and contributed greatly to the defeat of a superior enemy force. The second aircraft attempting the Through The fighting now consisted of short but bitter actually ready to accept short take off and landing Caribou aircraft by noon within the enemy controlled city of Hue. Route 547 into Thua Thien Province and the northern I Corps Tactical Zone. as a radio telephone operator. three hundred troopers killed in action. commanding officer of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). Lieutenant Colonel John B. Stockton, who was on the USNS Darby with the At 0630 hours the Marines hit the dawn the enemy attack had lost momentum, and contact diminished to occasional

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