Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a27e76fef66781f 1 hour ago These magics can be spun for at the rare tower. If you attempt to enter a code and it saysCode Expired, that code is no longer active and, unfortunately, can no longer be redeemed. Shared On: 1st Jan, 2023 | 13.29 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. All rights reserved. If you attempt to type in a code and it saysInvalid Code, however, this means that you've likely mistyped the code or neglected to use the correct capitalization. If more Magics are added to this experience as time goes on, this guide will be updated accordingly. EDIT: Fixed the Code Above Edit: And if u are going to use the Martial Farm Equip it first, Sorry for all the Edit Clover Kingdom: Grimshot is an RPG game on Roblox based off of the anime Black Clover, it includes many of the aspects of Black Clover while also adding in new things. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false), game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Health, false), if not game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then, game.ReplicatedFirst.Loading.BindableFunction:Invoke("LOADING"), workspace.IgnoreFolder.LocalItems:ClearAllChildren(), local DATAFOLDER = player:WaitForChild("DataFolder"), local Grimoire_Tool = player.Backpack:WaitForChild("Book"), mouse.TargetFilter = workspace.IgnoreFolder, local MAINGUI = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("MainGUI"), local LevelSystem = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("LevelSystem")), local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent"), local RemoteFunction = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteFunction"), local PASSCODE = RemoteFunction:InvokeServer("PASSCODE"), local SKILLTREE = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(DATAFOLDER.MagicType.Value .. "MagicSkills"):Clone(), game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Experience"):Clone().Parent = MAINGUI, for i, v in pairs(SKILLTREE.Center:GetChildren()) do, if v:IsA("ImageLabel") and v ~= SKILLTREE.Center.CLOVER then, local TextLabel ="TextLabel"), TextLabel.Size =, 100, 0, 10), TextLabel.Position =, 0, 0, -5), TextLabel.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0), TextLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14, TextLabel.TextColor3 =, 1, 1), for i, v in pairs(SKILLTREE.Center.Moves:GetChildren()) do, TextLabel.Size =, 100, 0, 20), TextLabel.Position =, 40, 0, -10), TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), TextLvl.Position =, -20, 0, 0), TextDescription.Size =, 100, 0, 40), TextDescription.Position =, 0, 0, 20), TextDescription.Text = v.Description.Value .. [[, SkillPoint(s): ]] .. tostring(game.ReplicatedStorage.MagicSkillPoint[v.Name].Value), TextLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, TextDescription.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, local textBOUNDS = TextLabel.TextBounds + TextDescription.TextBounds, TextLabel.Size =, textBOUNDS.x, 0, 20), TextDescription.Size =, textBOUNDS.x, 0, textBOUNDS.y), local MYLEVEL = LevelSystem.CalculateLVLfromEXP(DATAFOLDER.Stats.XP.Value), if character:FindFirstChild("DEBUGGER") then, local REQUIRESKILLPOINTFORMAGIC = game.ReplicatedStorage.MagicSkillPoint[v.Name].Value, if REQUIRESKILLPOINTFORMAGIC <= tonumber(DATAFOLDER.Stats.SkillPoint.Value) and MYLEVEL >= v.LVL_TAG.Value and (DATAFOLDER.Magics:FindFirstChild(v.PREVIOUS_MOVE_TAG.Value) or v.PREVIOUS_MOVE_TAG.Value == "") or DATAFOLDER.Magics:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then, local MYCLOVER = math.min(DATAFOLDER.Clover.Value + DATAFOLDER.ExtraSlot.Value, #SKILLTREE.MagicInventory:GetChildren() - 1), for i = 1, #SKILLTREE.MagicInventory:GetChildren() - 1 do, if DATAFOLDER["Slot" .. i].Value == v.Name then, if DATAFOLDER["Slot" .. i].Value == "" then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("AddSlotMagic", i, v.Name, PASSCODE), MAINGUI.Error.Text = "Your magic slot(s) are full", MAINGUI.Error.Text = "[" .. v.Name .. "]" .. " already equipped", MAINGUI.Error.Text = "Require: Level " .. v.LVL_TAG.Value, elseif v.PREVIOUS_MOVE_TAG.Value ~= "" and DATAFOLDER.Magics:FindFirstChild(v.PREVIOUS_MOVE_TAG.Value) == nil then, MAINGUI.Error.Text = "Require: " .. v.PREVIOUS_MOVE_TAG.Value, elseif REQUIRESKILLPOINTFORMAGIC > tonumber(DATAFOLDER.Stats.SkillPoint.Value) then, MAINGUI.Error.Text = "You need " .. REQUIRESKILLPOINTFORMAGIC .. " skill point! Important articles Magics Codes clover kingdom grimshot script v3rmillion By inlinseneintopf mit kartoffeln You can also follow the developer's Twitter page for the latest updates. Check out the top 100 Codes (Click here) Sign up to the Roblox Codes Newsletter! You can click to proceed"), createTutorialCircle(MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Settings, "Setting interface: to optimize your gaming experience"), createTutorialCircle(MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Tittle, "Title interface: depends on what you select you'll spawn in different location"), createTutorialCircle(MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Save, "Saving interface: you can save up to 4 items and a quick-save button"), createTutorialCircle(MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Stats, "Attributes interface: everytime you level up you get a free attribute points"), createTutorialCircle(MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Help, "Tips interface: show game tips"), createTutorialCircle(MAINGUI.Party.ImageButton, "Creating/Joining Party (you will not attack allies if you are in a party with them)"), createTutorialCircle(MAINGUI.Experience.LevelText, "This is your XP/Level Bar"), createTutorialCircle(, 0, 0.5, 0), "Press 'M' to open up your skill-tree"), createTutorialCircle(, 0, 0.5, 0), "This is your magic skill-tree! Here's a look at all of the working Clover Kingdom: Grimshot codes. Awakened Moves (Yami's Katana required in order to use): User releases a fast, dark force with a wide damage area for 300 Mana, User releases multiple fast, dark forces with a smaller damage area for 350 Mana, User releases multiple katana blade shaped slashes as an exceptionally long ranged attack for 400 Mana, User creates multiple shadows that slither across the ground to attack the enemy and slow their speed for 450 Mana, User unleashes a massive, perpendicular slash that deals an exceptionally high amount of damage for 1,500 Mana, User shoots a wind spear directly in front of them that deals damage to all enemies in its path for 50 Mana, User shoots an extremely fast but small wind bullet that deals damage to enemies in its path for 100 Mana, User summons a large, medium-ranged tornado that deals damage to enemies in its path for 150 Mana, User releases a large burst of wind that deals damage to enemies at close range for 200 Mana, User summons a massive lighting bolt that collides with the ground, dealing damage to all enemies in its vicinity for 250 Mana, User shoots a large wind bullets for 300 Mana, User generates and release a large beam of green wind that damages any enemies in its path for 350 Mana, User releases a long-ranged wind tunnel that deals damage to enemies in its path for 400 Mana, User shoots a long-ranged, massive wind ball with a giant hitbox that deals damage to all enemies in its path for 450 Mana, User summons a blast of wind that damages enemies at close range for 500 Mana, Used to summon the weapons needed for Anti-Magic, User releases explosive, spherical fireworks that latch onto nearby enemies to cause damage, User releases a quick-moving, horizontal beam of light with a wide attack area, User releases a long-ranged, massive ball of energy that deals to damage to enemies in its path. Hit the redeem button to receive the free reward. It totally depends on you what role you want to play in the game. todo-related-topics-headline . Magic is undeniably one of the most important parts of the Black Clover inspired Roblox experience, Clover Kingdom: Grimshot. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. In the guide below, we'll be listing every Magic in the Clover Kingdom: Grimshot, how to get them, and what moves they offer. 10KLIKES! Usually only given at an important milestone, and can often be found either in the discord sever or in the game's description. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Basic Weakening Magic Skills This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Not all Roblox codes are active for the same amount of time, meaning some expire exceptionally quickly and may even become inactive after 24 hours or less! Roblox Clover Kingdom: Grimshot codes can be used to gain magic powers and fight in a medieval world. Magics are a special power you can get if you are level 50 and age 15. Best Contents 2022 - 2023. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Unfortunately, updates and code releases for Clover Kingdom: Grimshot have become few and far between. TEXT .. " XP") then, game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(textlb,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {, text.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0), game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(imglb,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {, game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(text,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {TextTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 1}):Play(), local TEXT = math.floor((val - PREVIOUSXPVAL) * 100) / 100, SKILLPOINT.Changed:connect(UPDATESKILLPOINT), local SHOCKEFFECT ="Frame"), SHOCKEFFECT.Position =, 0, -0.5, 0), SHOCKEFFECT.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255), while CHILD and CHILD:isDescendantOf(workspace) do, SHOCKEFFECT.BackgroundTransparency = SHOCKEFFECT.BackgroundTransparency == 0 and math.random() or 0, TextLabel.Position =, -25, 0, -15), local cd = CHILD:FindFirstChild("Cooldown").Value, local timer = CHILD:FindFirstChild("Time").Value, img.ImageTransparency = math.min((myTime - timer) / cd, 1), game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait(), if MAINGUI.MagicEffects:FindFirstChild(CHILD.Name) then, MAINGUI.MagicEffects[CHILD.Name]:Destroy(), character:WaitForChild("Effects").ChildAdded:connect(UPDATEMAGICEFFECTS), character:WaitForChild("Effects").ChildRemoved:connect(REMOVEMAGICEFFECTS), local len = math.floor(string.len(num) / 3), num = string.gsub(num, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", "%1,%2"), local PREVIOUSCURRENCYVAL = DATAFOLDER.Currency.Value, if DATAFOLDER.CurrencyShow.Value == "Active" then, MAINGUI.Money:TweenPosition(, -100, 0, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 0.5, true), MAINGUI.Money:TweenPosition(, -100, 0, -100), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 0.5, true), MAINGUI.Money.Text = "$" .. ADDCOMMAS(val), if DATAFOLDER.CurrencyShow.Value ~= "Active" then, changeCURRENCY(DATAFOLDER.Currency.Value), DATAFOLDER.CurrencyShow.Changed:connect(changeCURRENCY), DATAFOLDER.Currency.Changed:connect(changeCURRENCY), local PREVIOUSSKILLPOINT = DATAFOLDER.Stats.SkillPoint.Value, DATAFOLDER.Stats.SkillPoint.Changed:connect(function(val), local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService"), local KeyModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("KeyModule")), UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(input, bool), KeyPressed[input.UserInputType.Name] and KeyPressed[input.UserInputType.Name][3], if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then, if not bool and input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then, KeyPressed[input.Name] and KeyPressed[input.Name][3], if KeyModule[input.Name] and _G[KeyModule[input.Name]] then, if DATAFOLDER.Magics:FindFirstChild("Double Jump") and character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("BROOMFLIGHTBV") == nil and not DOUBLE_JUMP_ENABLE and character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and input.Name == Enum.KeyCode.Space.Name and character.Humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("DoubleJUMPBOOST", PASSCODE), UIS.InputEnded:connect(function(input, bool), if character:FindFirstChild("Grimoire") == nil then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("Book", Grimoire_Tool, PASSCODE), SKILLTREE.Center.CLOVER.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), RemoteEvent:FireServer("MagicRerollMagic", PASSCODE), if SkillTreeEnable == true and DATAFOLDER.Information:FindFirstChild("Tutorial") == nil then, if SkillTreePressed == false and SkillTreeEnable == false then, MAINGUI.Gate1:TweenPosition(, 0, -1, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 1.5, 1, function(), MAINGUI.Gate2:TweenPosition(, camera.ViewportSize.X % 2 == 0 and 0 or 1, -1, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 1.5, 1, function(), SKILLTREE.Center.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0), MAINGUI.Gate1.CLOVER.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0):Lerp(, 1, 1), i), MAINGUI.Gate2.CLOVER.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0):Lerp(, 1, 1), i), MAINGUI.Gate1.Position =, 0, -1, 0), MAINGUI.Gate2.Position =, 0, -1, 0), MAINGUI.Gate1.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), MAINGUI.Gate2.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), MAINGUI.Gate1.CLOVER.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0), MAINGUI.Gate2.CLOVER.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0), elseif SkillTreePressed == false and SkillTreeEnable == true then, if DATAFOLDER.Information:FindFirstChild("Tutorial") == nil then, local screentutorial ="Frame"), screentutorial.Size =, 0, 1, 0), screentutorial.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4, screentutorial.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), local function createTutorialCircle(pos, text, ZINDEX), local size = typeof(pos) == "UDim2" and 255 or (pos.AbsoluteSize.x + pos.AbsoluteSize.y) * 0.6, local tutorialImg ="ImageLabel"), tutorialImg.Image = "rbxassetid://1108275823", tutorialImg.Size =, size * 0.5, 0, size * 0.5), tutorialImg.Position = typeof(pos) == "UDim2" and pos or, pos.AbsoluteSize.X * 0.5 + pos.AbsolutePosition.x, 0, pos.AbsoluteSize.Y * 0.5 + pos.AbsolutePosition.y), tutorialImg.Position = tutorialImg.Position -, tutorialImg.Size.X.Offset * 0.5, 0, tutorialImg.Size.Y.Offset * 0.5), tutorialImg.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0), tutorialImg.ZIndex = ZINDEX and ZINDEX or typeof(pos) == "UDim2" and 0 or pos.ZIndex + 1, local tutorialText ="TextLabel"), tutorialText.Position = typeof(pos) == "UDim2" and pos or tutorialImg.Position +, 0, 0, -size * 0.5), tutorialText.TextColor3 =, 1, 1), tutorialText.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0), tutorialText.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18, tutorialText.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center, tutorialText.TextXAlignment = camera.ViewportSize.X * 0.5 > tutorialText.Position.X.Offset and Enum.TextXAlignment.Left or Enum.TextXAlignment.Right, game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(tutorialImg,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {. Codes are an in-game mechanic set by the developer that gives you Yule you can use in-game to buy Magics, Martial Arts, Weapons, and more. 25 min ago Black Clover: Grimshot is now released for free! ASTDAll Star Tower DefenseSPTS : OriginAnime Evolutiontown Backrooms Race ClickerYour Bizarre Advanture: NUYBA:NUClicker Party SimulatorAnime Clicker SimulatorJump RopeRebirth Champions X Tapping Legends X Roblox but every second you get +1 Jump PowerCS: Prison LifeColor BlockHow Far Can You Fly? As soon as the set up course of is full, you may then take pleasure in limitless Roblox gaming! Position = tutorialImg.Position -, size * 0.5 * 0.5, 0, size * 0.5 * 0.5), local CLICKMOUSE = mouse.Button1Down:connect(function(), createTutorialCircle(, 0, 0.5, 0), "Keep your eyes on this red circle, this is for a quick tutorial. How to get pets in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom Grimshot? Magic is undeniably one of the most important parts of theBlack Cloverinspired Roblox experience,Clover Kingdom: Grimshot. Click on the "Obtain" button. Inject and execute the free Obtain Script For Roblox. GOOD LUCK! Click to reveal (Will add more soon) Currently only have Torture Dance, but will add more. shooting in sahuarita arizona; traduction saturn sleeping at last; is bachendorff a good brand; So how can you get a head start on all of these necessities? As you complete adventures and unlock new spells and gear, you can then take on the worst dangers in the land. The details on how to get each magic can be found in their respective lists below. is the number one paste tool since 2002. This passive ability nullifies all burn damage, minus Fire Magic's G move, making it a very good counter ability. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Through Magic, players can grow stronger, learn unique moves and abilities, and ultimately work towards becoming the strongest Magic Knight or villain in the world. boca beacon obituaries. And if you find a code in theWorking Codessection that seems expired, please let us know so we can remove it as soon as possible. Image via Roblox Clover Kingdom: Grimshot. ", 100), createTutorialCircle(SKILLTREE.SkillPointText, "This is where you check how many skillpoint's you have"), createTutorialCircle(, 0, 0.5, 0), "That's all for this tutorial! Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. todo-web-headline todo-web-headline-mobile. Magics. 1KLIKES 2KLIKES FREECOINS 30KLIKESZZ! Inspired by popular manga and anime Black Clover, the game follows a. 15KLIKES BIGUPDATE 1MVISITS SORRY_FOR_TROUBLE! See codes in a table Join the community! Saturation = hit.ColorCorrection.Saturation, Brightness = hit.ColorCorrection.Brightness, game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(game.Lighting,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {. Controls: Left Ctrl to run. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. If you're looking for even more freebies, be sure to check back with this article regularlywe update this list as soon as new codes come out! An agility based move that's used to dash forward quickly. Launch your script. | 0.24 KB, JSON | | 13.51 KB, Lua | Clover Kingdom: Grimshot This game has not been ranked by RTrack. Clover Kingdom: Grimshot Script | Autofarm [LuaXe] LuaXie 3.45K subscribers Subscribe Share 8.7K views 5 months ago #roblox Pastebin: How To Get Scripts:. | 14.69 KB, JSON | Color = GRIMOIREGUI.Middle.BackgroundColor3. Contents Enter the code and receive the reward. Home; Trending; Games; clover kingdom grimshot script. Players start this experience as a human, and are left to decide their own destiny through completing quests, journeying across the land, learning about different races, defeating enemies, and ultimately choosing between the paths of good and evil. A game inspired by the anime Black Clover, strive to be the strongest in this world and enjoy! Word soul magic requirements: (All pets besides Spirits and Demons, 5 Elves' Souls, 1 Doom's Urn, 1 demon Souls, 10b Coins (if Primary) 50b Coins (if secondary) Demon Venom Magic requirements 1 Salamander's tail, 4 Tome of Mysteries, 5 Vibranium, 1 Ancient Fruit, And . ps4 controller trigger keeps activating. If you're looking for codes for other games, we have a ton of them in our Roblox Game Codes post! Redeem codes Clover Kingdom: Grimshot es bastbefore simple, you just have to follow the following steps: Start the game. 03, 2021 Description These animations were paid for high price, so it's also high price RIP. These magics can be spun at the common tower. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Your role as a knight in a world with magic is pretty simple, gain power. Showcasing Top 5 Magics in Clover Kingdom Grimshot + Bonus Magic (ROBLOX) #BlackClover #Roblox TVU 40K views 1 year ago Roblox One Punch Fighters Script Hack OP Auto Farm Spidey Hub 8.8K. Open the Roblox. keyboard_double_arrow_up. Can anyone make a script for the game "Clover Kingdom: Grimshot" not an auto farm but just one that collects the quests without you having to go to the NPC? Get out of the safe zone first before using the script Thanks will update and add Mana or magic farming when i get to lvl 50 or in other words if I am not lazy Don't bash me. These magics can be spun for at the uncommon tower. Click to Punch. These Clover Kingdom: Grimshot codes no longer work. michael sandel justice course syllabus. Check out our guides on all Skills in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom: Grimshot, Explained or all Races in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom: Grimshot! Clover Kingdom: Grimshot By OnlyTwentyCharacters Players Total Visits % Ratings Play Stats Game Codes Comments Reviews Game Codes Want to see more codes? It's easy to redeem codes for free rewards in Clover Kingdom: Grimshot! The action you just performed triggered the security solution. The Black Clover inspired Roblox experience Clover Kingdom: Grimshot invites players to become the strongest in the world and take down everyone who's against themwhether this means working as a Magic Knight and protecting all that exists, or turning toward the path of evil and fighting those who vow to do good, is up to you. 1 hour ago How to get money quickly in Roblox Clover Kingdom: Grimshot? 60 min ago Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. To do so, simply follow the steps below. Through Magic, players can grow stronger, learn unique moves and abilities, and ultimately work towards becoming the strongest Magic Knight or villain in the world. The user covers their body in Anti-Magic and charges forward with a powerful slash. Expired Codes ANEXTRACODEFORWEAKS TIMEMAGICMAYBE 30KLIKESZZ! game.ReplicatedStorage.MagicImg[MAGICSELECTED].Value, DATAFOLDER.Magics:FindFirstChild(MAGICSELECTED).Value, DATAFOLDER.Magics[MAGICSELECTED].COOLDOWN_DEBUG.Value, local mousepoint = MAINGUI.MagicWheel.MousePoint, local mousepos =, mouse.Y) - MAINGUI.MagicWheel.AbsolutePosition.unit * math.min(MAINGUI.MagicWheel.Middle.Size.X.Offset * 0.4,, mouse.Y) - MAINGUI.MagicWheel.AbsolutePosition.magnitude - mousepoint.Size.X.Offset * 0.6), local rotation = math.deg(math.atan2(mousepos.y / mousepos.magnitude, mousepos.x / mousepos.magnitude)) + 90, mousepoint.Position =, mousepos.x - mousepoint.Size.X.Offset * 0.5, 0, mousepos.y - mousepoint.Size.Y.Offset * 0.5), local centerScreen = camera.ViewportSize * 0.5, local mousePos =, mouse.Y), SKILLTREE.Center.CLOVER.Background.Rotation = SKILLTREE.Center.CLOVER.Background.Rotation + 0.5, if KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1.Name] and KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1.Name][1] == true then, local MOUSEHOLDPOS = KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1.Name][3], local differenceUnit = (mousePos - MOUSEHOLDPOS) * 0.5, _G.CurrentSkillTreePos = _G.CurrentSkillTreePos or, 0, 0, 0), SKILLTREE.Center.Position = _G.CurrentSkillTreePos +, differenceUnit.x, 0, differenceUnit.y), _G.CurrentSkillTreePos = SKILLTREE.Center.Position, if character:FindFirstChild("Broom") and character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Flying Broom") then, local direction = camera.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace([Enum.KeyCode.A.Name] and (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.A.Name][1] and -1 or 0) or 0) + (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.D.Name] and (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.D.Name][1] and 1 or 0) or 0), 0, (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name] and (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name][1] and -1 or 0) or 0) + (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.S.Name] and (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.S.Name][1] and 1 or 0) or 0))), FLYINGV.Velocity = direction * (not character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("Movement") and 20 or 0), FACEB.CFrame = 0 < direction.magnitude and, camera.CFrame.p + direction) or camera.CFrame, MYBROOM = character:FindFirstChild("Broom"), RemoteEvent:FireServer("FlyingBroomEnable", MYBROOM, true, PASSCODE), FLYINGV.Parent = character.HumanoidRootPart, FACEB.Parent = character.HumanoidRootPart, MYBROOM = character:FindFirstChild("Broom") or MYBROOM, if flightAnimation.IsPlaying or MYBROOM and MYBROOM.Broom.Trail.Enabled == true then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("FlyingBroomEnable", MYBROOM, false, PASSCODE), if KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1.Name] and KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1.Name][1] == true and character:FindFirstChild("Broom") and not cleanAnimation.isPlaying and not character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Flying Broom") then, local MULTIPLIER = math.max(character.Humanoid.Health / character.Humanoid.MaxHealth, 0.3) == 0.3 and 0.3 or 1, if character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Lightning Equip") then, if character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("MudParticle") then, if character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("Movement") then, if not character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("Run") and not character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("ToolsRun") and not character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("Movement") and KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name] and KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name][1] == true and (KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name][#KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name]] == true or KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name][3] and tick() - KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name][3] < 0.15) and FLYINGV.Parent == nil and 0 < character.Humanoid.MoveDirection.magnitude then, table.insert(KeyPressed[Enum.KeyCode.W.Name], true), character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed + (22 * MULTIPLIER - character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed) * 0.01, character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 * MULTIPLIER, if rollAnimation.IsPlaying and character.Humanoid.JumpPower ~= 0 then, if not rollAnimation.IsPlaying and character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("Movement") and character.Humanoid.JumpPower ~= 0 then, until character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("Movement") == nil, if not SHAKECAM and character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Camera Shake") then, if not SHAKECAM and workspace:FindFirstChild("VolcanoMesh") then, for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do, if v.Name == "VolcanoMesh" and v.Shake.Value == true and character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Part.Position.magnitude < 18 then, camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame * * math.random(-1, 1), math.random() * math.random(-1, 1), math.random() * math.random(-1, 1)), if character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Distortion") then, if character.Effects:FindFirstChild("ReDistortion") then, if character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Blur") then, if character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Sud") then, game.Lighting.Blur.Size = game.Lighting.Blur.Size + (Blur - game.Lighting.Blur.Size) * 0.1, camera.FieldOfView = camera.FieldOfView + (Distortion - camera.FieldOfView) * 0.1, if DATAFOLDER.Magics:FindFirstChild("Sensing") then, if KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2.Name] and KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2.Name][1] and 0 >= character.Humanoid.MoveDirection.magnitude and 1 <= tick() - KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2.Name][2] and target and target:isDescendantOf(workspace.NPCs) and target.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and target.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude < 30 then, local myLevel = LevelSystem.CalculateLVLfromEXP(DATAFOLDER.Stats.XP.Value), if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent) then, otherLevel = LevelSystem.CalculateLVLfromEXP(game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent).DataFolder.Stats.XP.Value), elseif target.Parent:FindFirstChild("DataFolder") and target.Parent.DataFolder:FindFirstChild("XP") then, otherLevel = LevelSystem.CalculateLVLfromEXP(target.Parent.DataFolder.XP.Value), if otherLevel ~= nil and myLevel >= otherLevel then, MAINGUI.Sensing.Text = "Level: " .. textOFLEVEL, MAINGUI.Sensing.Position =, mouse.X, 0, mouse.Y - 7), character.Humanoid.StateChanged:connect(function(oldstate, newstate), if runAnimation.IsPlaying and newstate == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then, for i, v in pairs(MAINGUI.Settings:GetChildren()) do, if v:IsA("Frame") or v:IsA("ScrollingFrame") then, local function MAKESETTINGS(DATAFOLDITEM, NAME), Frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), LABEL.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, local BUTTON ="TextButton"), BUTTON.Position =, -50, 0, 0), game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyFrame.HP.Gradient:Clone().Parent = BUTTON, BUTTON.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), RemoteEvent:FireServer("ChangeSettings", DATAFOLDITEM, PASSCODE), _G.MUSIC_OG_VOLUME = _G.MUSIC_OG_VOLUME or script.Music.Volume, script.Music.Volume = CHECKER and _G.MUSIC_OG_VOLUME or 0, if not CHECKER or not, 1, 0) then, BUTTON.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), MAINGUI.Settings.Settings.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, #MAINGUI.Settings.Settings:GetChildren() * 40), MAKESETTINGS(DATAFOLDER.PartyInvite, "Party Invites UI"), MAKESETTINGS(DATAFOLDER.CurrencyShow, "Show Currency"), local MAINGUI_SAVE_TEXT = MAINGUI.Settings.Save.TextLabel.Text, MAINGUI.Settings.Save.TextLabel.MouseEnter:connect(function(), MAINGUI.Settings.Save.TextLabel.Text = "Hold out an item and click one of the slot", MAINGUI.Settings.Save.TextLabel.MouseLeave:connect(function(), MAINGUI.Settings.Save.TextLabel.Text = MAINGUI_SAVE_TEXT, MAINGUI.Settings.Save.SaveButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), RemoteEvent:FireServer("QUICK_SAVE", PASSCODE), for _, v in pairs(DATAFOLDER:GetChildren()) do, table.insert(ITEMSTABLEARRAYBLAHBLAHBLAH, v), table.sort(ITEMSTABLEARRAYBLAHBLAHBLAH, function(i, v), return tonumber(string.match(v.Name, "%d")) > tonumber(string.match(i.Name, "%d")), for _, v in pairs(ITEMSTABLEARRAYBLAHBLAHBLAH) do, local textbutton ="ImageButton"), textbutton.Size =, 50, 0, 50), textbutton.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), textbutton.Parent = MAINGUI.Settings.Save.Frame, textbutton.Image = "rbxassetid://9571720", textbutton.Image = game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemsImg:FindFirstChild(value) and game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemsImg[value].Value or "rbxassetid://1019185679", textbutton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), RemoteEvent:FireServer("Save/LoadItem", v, PASSCODE), for _, v in pairs(KeyModule.Tittles()) do, if tittle_name == DATAFOLDER.Tittle.Value then, player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v[5].CFrame, local textbutton ="TextButton"), textbutton.Text = tittle_name .. " (Level: " .. (tittle_level or "???")

Things That Will Die With Baby Boomers, Indocement Bumn Atau Bukan, Shots Fired Oregon City, Articles C