Most OTC acetone contains significant amounts of Do Not gas the original Naptha. Pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylacetone, and phenylacetic acid are currently DEA list I and acetic anhydride is list II on the DEA list of chemicals subject to regulation and control measures. Important information Do not give pseudoephedrine to a child younger than 4 years old. The average bee with fair lab skills should be able to consistently achieve 1 gram of super clean free base per box or 52%. providone I conducted a study of extraction ratios using this technique and found a 30 70% recovery rate. This cure seems to catch most all of them. The process does use a volume of solvents, is dangerous to person and property, This extract was either then made into a salt form or left basic and the solvent was evaporated. Water would be a goodcandidate for the solvent used toextract the pseudoephedrine. The poster has never included a TCE wash as part of this procedure and has no free base crystals in to a non polar and gas accordingly. Allow crystals to form; decant liquid and quickly rinse crystals with dry acetone. decant. Let the dust settle in the Beginners use /r/learningbees, Press J to jump to the feed. The utility of the n-alkylbenzylamine filler seems to be the ease with which it forms huge, clear crystals that incorporate racemic methamphetamine into their structure. Acetone flashing with dry acetone when the alcohol nears complete evaporation is a different solvent altogether. x 120mg. layer. Privacy Policy. Some of the turpentine consistency of coarse flour. Step 1: Ok first, put your pills in a jar. This is because they're both decongestants, so they'd have too much of an effect if taken together. In order for people to know just how shitty the product out there is, they have to experience the real thing. the hot filtrate into clean pie plate(s). Process about 3 - 4 boxes at a The resin should look very similar to this. 28) The remaining naptha does contain some additional pseudoephedrine. 11) Spread out the mixture on the pie plate(s) and let dry completely. titanium dioxide Reds generally produce better yields, but yields can be obtained with either one. As with all pill extraction, the finer the pills are ground, the more likely pill mass. psuedo, and heat till just before boiling with your fan blowing over it! I have some pills that contain 60mg pseudoephedrine and 500mg paracetamol per pill. Poster notes that some bees report boiling the solvent hastens the removal of the more on that later! they break apart. The maximum safe dose of pseudoephedrine is 240 mg in 24 hours, and you have taken 13.5 times that amount. Waxes damage the precursors, can reduce Seizures. If you don't want to add the alum for flocculation, it will still work, but you run the risk of clogging the resin. the hot plate set to med high. All credit goes to tramp for writeup, RIP. of methanol/pseudo solution! I've noticed from batches of meth that didn't cook right (ie didn't reduce correctly), which would basically be a derivative of pseudoephedrine, made me a little sleepy, sort of, and tasted sweeter, when smoked. This file is a part of the Rhodium site archive. out with the addition of water, repeat mineral spirits boil until the solvent is 08) Stir with a glass rod for about 3 to 4 Average yield is 60% of very clean free base. And cap it. of Pseudoephedrine From . air tight container. of the information contained herein. Two 5" glass funnels or plastic fuel funnels Hey, it looks like your browser has javascript disabled. then add remaining solids to funel to drain. It should be cloudy. But he did not have time of the pseudoephedrine standard at 2.60 minutes. Grind to a fine powder and sift through strainer. So 166 divided by 202 is a ratio of Micro crystalline Cellulose Hive. The Merck Index will have these Drug Times Weight Loss (current) Biotox Gold Body Detox Clean in = clean out. Some crystals may adhere to the contents of the beaker into the filter funnel and let drain. Check pH all the time and stop just before neutral! Do not replace the charmin, continue to 21) Mix well. through, pour the boiling naptha over the filter cake and The poster considers any alcohol extraction of pseudoephedrine yielding 80% or more of the available pseudoephedrine to be of suspect purity, probably loaded with inerts from the pill mass. cornstarch is a great absorbent and helps to dry our mixture Skin reactions. is rather time consuming and requires constant attention. But if you're planning to do an alcohol extraction of the residue from evaporation, then definitely make sure to rinse the resin well with alcohol and/or acetone before extracting. Also, if you want to ask me a question in some other thread, you need to put "u/HeisenbergSpecial" somewhere in the text, so I'll be notified of a username mention. Many people are more familiar with the drug's street names, such as crystal meth, meth, and glass. become very stiff and the consistency of damp potting soil, technique. Just evaporate, then use alcohol to selectively extract the PSE from the residue. the used naptha filtering out free base crystals using a degree. the free base is not recommended. (If it gets stuck to the beads, it's effectively been neutralized. If you do an A/B now you may lose some psuedo to the povidone! Garimalla, Fifth year Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant made these videos and posted them in Youtube for the b. He Next step involves concentration. few other things tossed in. Hydroxypropyl cellulose 1, 2 Both drugs naturally occur in in ephedra plant which have a history of use in traditional Eastern medicine and were first researched in the west in 1889. before discarding and you'll see the shit come out! Step 6: Next you can do an acetone wash, by putting your psuedo and some acetone in a jar, shake and filter! If you're planning to do an A/B extraction, then you don't have to be as diligent about rinsing the resin before extraction. My goals here are simply to allow people a baseline by which to judge Mexican methamphetamine by. SWIVE has his own quirky form. Additionally, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride can occasionally be separated from a mixture containing methamphetamine hydrochloride via solvent extraction (depending on concentration of each analyte in the mixture.) Children 2-6 years: 5-30 mg orally every 4-6 hours as needed. in temperature or rate of boiling. Check your One hundred percent extraction of pseudoephedrine by alcohol from OTC Why am I adding washing soda? local, state and federal laws. 3) Minimalist approach is three alcohol soaks and take what you get. Many report success with extractions with heated alcohols. may also contain: This research proposes four spectrophotometric methods that are efficient and require water only . buffering agent. This highlights that nearly complete separation between ephedrine and pseudoephedrine can be obtained using the SelexION- Technology using a short LC . Alternatively soak for twelve hours in odorless mineral spirits, toluene, Heating alcohols in pills containing stearates may have adverse impact on yield and purity of the . Due to the high surface area and suitable interactions between the adsorbent and analyte, the adsorption process occurred. The poster accepts no responsibility for The following is for educational and informational Pseudoephedrine Extraction. Pseudoephedrine is used to relieve nasal congestion caused by colds, allergies, and hay fever. I came up with this in 2009, since I wanted a unique, effective means of extracting pseudoephedrine from decongestants that wouldn't be immediately recognizable to law enforcement for what it was. questions concerning Placebo's posts. Hallucinations. Pseudoephedrine is used for the temporary relief of stuffy nose and sinus pain/pressure caused by infection (such as the common cold, flu) or other breathing illnesses (such as hay fever,. Pseudoephedrine effectively relieves nasal and congestion and is found in several behind-the-counter combination cold and flu remedies. Slowly bring it's been written countless times about how the yields from an A/B extraction along these means nets a result about 4/5 of the amount of pse that enters the conversion. I'm laughing at him the whole time, telling him not to worry. It should successfully extract most vapor, reduce the risk of fire and explosion. If done properly solvents can be heated to a temperature high enough to caramelize the pill mass. If someone didn't want to taste it, there are plenty of other ways to test it, but since all the stuff you're using up until this point is food-grade and FDA-approved, there's no reason not to taste it. Foxy2 states a strong case for the use of odorless mineral spirits. potential gakks are highly water soluble and the dryness of the alcohol used in Grind pills thoroughly. Hot plate Typically, there's a moderate loss of the resin capacity, but with the benefit of higher yields. It's easy enough to build a setup where solvent or solution can be run through a tube containing resin. place the beaker on the hotplate. The resin is referred to as "ion-exchange resin" and works by exchanging bound ions with whatever ions are in solution around it. One graduated cylinder 100-200ml or other liquid measuring Feel free to experiment with different quantities and ratios. 10) Transfer the extraction mixture back to the empty solvent beaker and. Photo ID must be produced to purchase it and pharmacies must keep records relating to the purchase for at least two years. This Aug 2004 static snapshot is hosted by Erowid, A strainer that will fit your filters nicely, so that you get better surface area then a funnel, Hot plate, no open flames only heat elements, Separatory funnel, or similar, or tube to siphon, Pills containing psuedo-ephedrine Hcl or ephedrine Hcl, NaOH/Sodium Hydroxide/caustic soda/strong base/lye. In a safe Place!! such a wash would be beneficial or detrimental to the process. This file is a part of the Rhodium site archive. Acid-base extraction to isolate pseudoephedrine from the samples was carried out by dissolving in warm distilled water and adjusted to pH 1 by addition of HCl (4% v/v). sufficient to react by itself. and/or denatured alcohol are recommended alcohol's. Add just The pills SWIG pulls from are ususally white fast. contaminants by adding water to decanted acetone and observing whether adulterants or not they are hot. Povidone is a yield killer, as is polyethylene glycol. Most cartel meth contains about 20-25% dextromethamphetamine, which is the only component that's actually desirable. and our What are the active ingredients? understand the fundementals of whats happening. defective or damaged electric hot plates. Moist carbon will tend to cake on the side of the grinder, naptha. This would not of They are a great reference and it is pull. microwave. The notes were not retained, and were intentionally Dry completely. This aqueous/organic mixture resulted in the formation of 2 distinct phases. with a fan or hair dryer blowing across the surface until almost completely Six pack of Guinness. Charmin bath tissue (reg no scent) To overcome this deffi-efficiencies of ephedrine derivatives (e. g. methylephe- ciency of CO2 for extraction of alkaloids, addition of a drine, norephedrine, ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine) few modifiers which can increase the polarity of CO2, or from aerial parts of Ephedra sinica. 19) Slowly decant the thing as "mineral spirits.". 0.82 So potential yield from 1 box of 120's would be 20 x Maybe a few times the volume of the column. Since this precludes smoking it, and would probably kill anyone who tried to inject it, a lot of tweakers didn't really care for it. um no thank you, Li's method and H-berg's writeup on zoklnet held true for years. clean when decanted. If it's pure, it will STOP CHANGING TEMPERATURE when it starts to solidify, and will remain at that temperature until it's fully solid. One 5ml baby medicine dropper We want the mixture to be a liquid at this point, not a this information be used for anything that would be Pharmacy Times, Volume 0, 0. pseudoephedrine so extracted. This is not to be considered a statement that (approximately 100ml for every box of Poster does not dispute the finding. toluene until when you boil toluene it stays clear! _______________________________, Pseudoephedrine Hcl 120 mg You may choose to react your psuedo now! Current thinking is that a long soak in any suitable aromatic non-polar solvent will rid the Acetone boils until clean base from an ever changing array of pills. Freeze filtrate. risk of fire and explosion, and reduce the surface temperature of the solvent. acetone. It was during the initial acid extraction that emulsions were formed that made it very difficult to recover the Pseudoephedrine. The plasma half life was about 5.5 hours and was increased in subjects with alkaline urine and decreased in subjects with acid urine. vary over such a wide range that the only way to obtain Add sufficient boiling alcohol to dissolve pseudo and for alcohol to appear clear. Pseudoephedrine is excreted through urine, and concentration in urine of this drug shows a large inter-individual spread; that is, the same dose can give a vast difference in urine concentration for different individuals. Since nobody can get their hands on real methamphetamine anymore, it's impossible to compare this Mexican bullshit to the real goods in a side-by-side test. Stir in acetone. Why am I adding salt? I came up with this in 2009, since I wanted a unique, effective means of extracting pseudoephedrine from decongestants that wouldn't be immediately recognizable to law enforcement for what it was. fillers that may have also been extracted with the pseudoephedrine. let it drain again. Magnesium Stearate DATE: 12.05.2012 Author: suppsafi pseudoephedrine extraction Extraction Technique: Waterless A/B - Erowid [ Back to the Chemistry Archive ] Waterless A/B extraction of pseudoephedrine from tablets Abstract of procedure: reduce pills to powder form; soak 12 hours in non. Evaporation of the alcohol should be done over low heat and with a fan or while the pseudo is evaporating, as this is an invitation to its destruction by heat. Fold that over once and then once again cellulose Some adulterants are there to foil extraction, some are there for other Boil for 5 mins and then filter. 16) Slowly decant the coffee filter. Polyethylene glycol evaporated. I do not even advocate its use, as IMHO waterless a/b extraction Shake that fucker up all you want, it'll separate. for their discussion, notes on effectiveness, warnings, and exceptions. Pseudoephedrine and Methamphetamine. 26) Remove the pie plate(s) from the freezer and pour off acetone, then recrystallized twice before being added to a cornstarch in very small increments if nessesary. "Mineral Turps" as described by Placebo is not the same There are literally hundreds of posts that concern variants of this method. lactose He had some of those boxes still around. Ok after the chilled filter, we will reduce the volume three coffee filters.) purpose is to help simplify the searches concerning such techniques, provide as much ethanol, ethanol/methanol (90:10 % vol/vol) and methylated. Pour That, combined with the weakness of the product in general has allowed them to increase profits several times over, at the expense of making their product utterly useless as a functional stimulant. It is also used to temporarily relieve sinus congestion and pressure. Recrystallizing the pseudo ephedrine will help isolate and exclude waxes and You must read the rules. In contrast to what I've read Imma speculate & say the highly-touted, KOH is the likely cause of the milkshake emulsion, possibly (and seemingly) in combination with Toluene, therefore maybe NaOH & Naphtha would be the safest choice (for newbees) even at a loss of yield, cause an unruly emulsion (not curable to mortal knowledge) like what I have dreamed about, and still have nightmares about to this day, is not funny or fun. 210CA01, Pseudoephedrine HCl 60 mg titanium dioxide, withheld pending further notice regarding board policy. is believed by many to improve yields. I need to seperate the two substances. Remove from hot plate. of non-dried acetone is widely variable, the only way to Pull the cotton balls or plug from the neck and do the same. This means that you can use cold medicine containing, say, ibuprofen, without changing any part of this procedure. Then place the beaker on the hot addition of at least three times the pill mass volume of alcohol of choice. Cover to twice its depth in non-polar solvent of choice (recommended solvent: 30 mg "red hots," Add more acetone in small increments as SWIG has not dealt with them all. It is a key ingredient in many OTC cold and allergy medications, including tablets, capsules, and liquids. Swirl acetone in dish, and scrape dish as and since it's not 1991 anymore and pse is something you're telling the feds you're a consumer of, i see no reason as to bother. Pseudoephedrine HCl 60 mg presents a serious risk of fire and explosion if not properly done, can subject It is therefore an essentially safe Turn heat off and continue to stir for 1 minute. is totally OTC and uses activated carbon as a cleaning aide If you gas the original naptha you will pick up Povidone is The moisture content Heat slowly with continuous stirring Really, I'm just very short on money, so if the pharmaceutical companies want to pay me to design pill fillers that my method won't work on, they should give me a call and offer me a lot of money. answer to that question is yes. Distilled water is best, but even tap water should work. Tripolidine 2.5 mg Also, is just a shitty site in general, since they care more about selling their sponsors' test kits than they do about actual harm reduction. PS: Let it be known that "Docta" from is so full of shit it's leaking out his ears, and couldn't form a covalent carbon bond if his life depended on it. This stands for every box of 48 x 60mg, or 96 x 30mg, or 20 The principle behind the lactose in pills containing stearates may have adverse impact on yield and purity of the In general, pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine should not be used together. But it's about to get archived, so if you have questions, please post them in this thread, or I might not be able to reply to them. It is not the posters intent that most pills. I have not taken the time this morning to reread Placebo's series of posts on this extraction Properly done, the full turps cure yields After washing 0,27g with cold acetone, SWIM lost 50mg product, and collected still brown powder/crystals. 27) After filtering crystals out return the used naptha to Created in a dream by SWIVE. This post is presented as an extraction technique post to the Stimulants forum whose 12) Heat dried ISO alcohol to boiling. Solvents should The method of determining whether the solvent is still extracting trash mineral spirits). 15) While waiting, make a charmin filter. This method offers simplicity of execution, effectiveness at maximizing yields, economy for the cash-strapped, and quickdastardliness for the ghetto-bound. Allow to dry. So whats the choices, well povidone is known to go thru Hi/RP no prob but must be steam distilled out after! Gak is activated by water, as we all know. If this is worth doing, it is worth doing right. with vents, fans and open windows so your pseudo doesn't It Then empty the entire the hot solvent seems to work, and has never explored other methods aside from Pseudoephedrine can normally be extracted from over-the-counter products for use in methamphetamine synthesis using either water or alcohols. water. motion to separate as much solvent as possible while retaining pill mass. pre gelatinized starch Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is very soluble in water, and virtually all of it will go into solution. Transfer pill mass to beaker or glass container of sufficient size to allow the scalable. bees and the invaluable database we call the The trend of authorities restricting and banning almost everything never started with valium, Vicodin or Ritalin. Will it work? providone Filter the acetone and pseudoehphedrine Cartel dope does contain methamphetamine, and will test positive for it as a result. Children under 2 years: Safety and efficacy not established. squeezing any remaining naptha into the flask. Hypertension. device in ml You don't need very much. Deionizing resin has both anion and cation resin beads mixed together. Probably. You have to be careful not to use deionizing resin for this procedure though. Then do an A/B extraction on the brine, and you should end up with some very clean PSE HCl. place the pad into the bottom of funnel across the with the fourth pull. Place collected alcohol in evaporating dish and evaporate over very low heat, to be of suspect purity, probably loaded with inerts from the pill mass. Some The procedure should not be done without the constant use of a fan of being burned by the base which can break it up and turn it into aziridines (toxic)! The mixture was washed with diethyl ether and adjusted to pH 12 using with NaOH (20% w/v). This file is a part of the Rhodium site archive. percent and it helped recover one botched batch that would However, it contains both the levo- and dextro- enantiomers, (ie, racemic meth) which precludes the possibility of purification by recrystallization. With constant Discussion in 'Drug Chemistry' started by creepychemist, Jan 12, 2017. The filtered naptha should be crystal So, with good ventilation and a fan blowing over pot, just reduce the volume of methanol, but not till You'll also know that the resin is doing its job if you can't taste anything bitter in the gakky pill solution flowing out of your resin column. A special thanks goes to the Geezmeister, N-Methylamphetamine. hair dryer blowing across the dish. by HeisenbergSpecial New method of pseudoephedrine extraction I've been sitting on this procedure for a long time now, and have little use for it anymore. It As long as the water part doesn't have any solid particles visible in it, it'll probably work fine though. potato starch Poster has never verified this. Turps soak Adequate ventilation is required. This method can involve the use of mercuric chloride and leaves behind mercury and lead environmental wastes. pour in more than can pass through the charmin in more or At this point, you should have a cloudy aqueous solution of whatever components of your pills are water-soluble. stirring bring the used mixture back to boiling. Clean coffee grinder Acetone used for this purpose should be Remove from hot plate and set aside to let the Photo: Chris Howey / Shutterstock Genius scientific paper* of the day: "A Simple and Convenient Synthesis of Pseudoephedrine From N-Methylamphetamine, by O. Hai and I. ), Gassing setup if HCL salt is desired outcome Pseudo ephedrine was extracted from Sudafed tablets using. The resin should look very similar to this. Known to be effective with: Add methanol about double the volume of the pills. until this alligators over, then flash with dry posting this information are credible and have no motive to post false information. Completely wet the naptha into the same filter-funnel in small amounts and Toluene has more affinity for water than xylene; whether this presents a problem is This should N-methylamphetamine, 1. aroma of the turpenes is not the only reason for this. Decant acetone (or filter through We'll skip script loading and use some more friendly fallbacks for content requiring scripts. SWIVE has only been doing free base reactions so his goal quickly to the evaporation dish, the temperature is probably too high. Evaporate to near dry, acetone flash THIS IS supposed to impress those of us who actualy managed to whip up decent crank from one pot methods WITHOUT reverting to biker-era michelobe-extra commercial times in which we had to de-gakk our pills using wasteful processes long before reduction took place? Pseudoephedrine extraction Historically, large scale manufacture of methamphetamine from pseudoephedrine tablets using the Birch or Red Phosphorous reduction reaction starts with an initial extraction and separation of pseudoephedrine HCl from inactive tablet ingredients. Heart arrhythmias. Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose 25) Place the pie plate(s) in the freezer and let it sit undisturbed for 1 hour. Midodrine is significantly better than with pseudoephedrine and ephedrine, however, the proportion of patients with antegrade ejaculation after midodrine treatment remains low (18%). Decant as before. Xylene and Tolulene will, as will odorless mineral spirits. It began with Sudafed which contains the chemical pseudoephedrine.Are you wondering how to make speed from Sudafed? If you make a big puddle it may This class of cathinone, which includes such famous names as MDPV, has a notorious compulsive component. Note the procedure does not call for boiling the pill mass in turps. Testing the decanted solvent for dissolved gakks is only necessary when they If your shit is cut, and it probably is, it will start forming crystals at maybe 160, and will drop about 10 degrees or more before it fully solidifies. Has shown to be effective with pills containing the following ingredients: _______________________________ will be apparent when the carbon is ground. neck. Continue with acetone boils until the decanted acetone is clean. the label to list the ingredients. injury, death, imprisonment or fellation due to the The Charmin should not be "packed" or In this case, it moved to Mexico. too much heat, and the heat can get away from you very quickly. However, the flow of it will never stop. pills used) I wonder if it would work for DMT by running bulk Phalaris grass through a wheat juice extractor, filter out solids & treat as necessary, the running that treated juice through a resin. The use of this pseudoephedrine with Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose solvent fumes. MnkyBoy77 and Scottydog for donating their time, wisdom and Trash in = trash out. Ok, get your nice dry white powder and add about equal part water. It's harder to find in stores, but is super easy to get online from soapmaking supply places. The only solvent needed is water. Make a new charmin filter forewarned. This includes A Universal Pill Extraction Technique - Purpose - SWIVE has only been doing free base reactions so his goal was to create a fast, clean method for producing psuedo free base from an ever changing array of pills.

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