But today sounds good! Also the third day and the word rapture are encoded together several times in the Bible, I am told. It will no doubt be a Jubilee year (50th year after 7 x 7 sabbath years) in which everyone is supposed to go back to their ancestral homelands, all debts are forgiven, all servants are released. Tevet () is the 10th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to December or January on the Gregorian calendar. Commemorates the assassination of the Jewish governor of Judah. Learn which upcoming dates are possible: Many people have no idea how difficult the end times will be for them. What does the blowing of the trumpet mean in the Bible? The ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author and are for entertainment purposes only. Your donations go towards advertising, website hosting, registration, security and upkeep, printing, video production and more! However everything will be lighted. and was succeeded by his son, Solomon. We really cant be so sure. Making a 7-year or even a 3.5-year commitment is a big one for all parties involved. They are at Armageddon. The Feast of Trumpets is better known today as Rosh Hashana. Since Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement on the Jewish calendar (Leviticus 16:29-30 and 23:27-28) and a day of reconciliation, it would be fitting for the final atonement of sins and reconciliation for Jerusalem and the people of Israel to be brought about on the Day of Atonement at the end of the 70th week of Daniel. Praying we be spared from forced vaccinations and detention camps, but will endure what the Lord ordains! Verse 12 is a recap verse and explains how Jesus defeated the Antichrists armies. The above table suggests that we should pay the most attention to the time between late October and mid-November each year for the potential start of the 70th week of Daniel. (transliterated Sh'vat or Shevat) is the 11th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 days, and corresponds to January or February on the Gregorian calendar. This Shabbat is named after the first word of the Haftarah (Hosea 14:2-10) and literally means Return! It is perhaps a play on, but not to be confused with, the word Teshuvah (the word for repentance). Verse 15 is yet another battle recap verse telling us what happened to the war beasts of the armies of the Antichrist. Says theLord, Its the last God appointed day of the Hebrew year (Nisan to Nisan) to be observed. The story begins in verse 3 below. of that year, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_and_Israeli_holidays_2000%E2%80%932050, Minus 2520 days from that date brings you to a October 28th 2021 possible start date of the Tribulation, https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadded.html?m1=9&d1=21&y1=2028&type=sub&ay=&am=&aw=&ad=2520&rec=. It is observed by Jews and non-Jews alike, and is considered to be the most important of all Jewish holidays. Ok this is an important clue on what day it is. and the living are caught up in the clouds. Daniel 12:11New King James Version Jewish New Year. The feast will explode into holy history. Has become the chief cornerstone. So verse 14 above tells us that modern, rich Jews (Judah) were part of the battle of Jerusalem. People were panicking (Learn Here), Jerusalem, Israel Jesus parable of the Fig Tree (Matthew 24) was the ultimate sign revealing the YEAR of his return to planet Earth, but it couldnt be clearly interpreted until the rebirth of the nation of Israel in AD 1948 (Learn Here), Jerusalem, Israel Jesus parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) contains a deeper message and a detail which reveals Christ will absolutely return to planet Earth after precisely 2 days (2,000 years) from the year he left planet earth ascending into the clouds (Learn Here), Cambridge, UK University of Cambridge student Pallant Ramsundar writes a thorough doctoral thesis paper entitled Dating Christs Crucifixion. These are Gods people (us, the saved) feasts and we will celebrate them in the coming Millennial 1000-year kingdom! I think what happens here is that a lot of people came to Christ during Gods wrath period and now they are revolting over their oppressors once they have seen Jesus come back. Put your ears on! Thank you Blue for doing this! Minuette PINK (i) (ii)(iii) (iv) (v) (a) (b) (c) Or maybe he comes in the year 2032. He is very confident. I didnt search their website for their reasoning. Truly we are to continue working while it is still day time! Many jews wear white clothing during the jewish holy month of rosh hashanah. Also called Sefirat HaOmer, it is a practice that consists of a verbal counting of each of the forty-nine days between the two holidays, Second Passover, one month after Passover. That was an important date to Islam. Day of Atonement. The 28th of Nov is Hannukah! 2028 END is part of 10 Love Commandments Ministries. Hi Blue, Your link takes us to his channel but which video were you wanting to post? 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Eighth Day of Assembly. Days start night before my date. Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Feast of Trumpets, is a picture of the 'catching away' of the bride of Christ. . Ive been trying to make prophetic sense of all of this virus/vaccine stuff. and the death of Jesus, who is said to have been crucified on Mount Calvary. (holidays begin at sundown on the indicated dates) On September 6, at sundown, Jewish people will begin celebrating one of their most important religious holidays, Rosh Hashanah. A grand trumpet sound will announce his coming and he comes down on a white horse and splits the mount of Olives wide open (east of Jerusalem). He will immediately send the Holy Spirit and once you receive it, you can NEVER lose your salvation it is a free gift of grace! Tom Gaston has found 9 Bible Codes for the rapture on this date for this year. 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. to Mon.) It is mind-boggling what all God did in this game to confirm 2028 END (Learn Here), NorthEast, Nigeria In December 2017, Ali was in his bedroom when the Holy Spirit spoke these dire words into his left ear, Next year marks the beginning of the last ten years the LAST ten years Not sure what these words were referring to, Ali began (Learn Here), Finland On Tuesday June 5, 2018 the Holy Spirit gave a young woman named Elisa a vivid but troubling dream connected to the number 28. I have an article called: How to Tell If Were Living in the Tribulation if you would like to learn how you can know for sure if you are living in the tribulation. 21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. So God is telling us in verse 1, that Jesus came and reaped the earth of his saved people in the middle of the last 7 years. Judah or also the land of Judaea by the time the Romans subjugated the land as a province of Judaea. Elliott Wave Update ~ 11 Oct 2021 & Possible Daniels 70th Week Timeline, Elliott Wave Update ~ 6 Oct 2021 & More on the Millennial Kingdom, Armageddon & How Jesus Fulfills the 3 Fall Feasts (Zechariah 14), Elliott Wave Update ~ 24 Sep 2021/ Antichrist edition, Elliott Wave Update ~ 21 Sep 2021 and Armageddon Update, Elliott Wave Update ~ 9 Sep 2021 More Rapture Commentary, Elliott Wave Update ~ 2 September 2021 Vaccine Foreshadow Update. That reminds me of this verse: I will send fire on MaGog and those who dwell securely (also interpreted carelessly) in the coastlands; and they shall know that I am the Lord. All the saved come down from heaven after him on our own white horses. Av 154 months until the harvest/Jewish Love Day. They are guessing its Jesus birthday. Cycle PINK I II III IV V a b c All we know is that he will fulfill the Fall feasts so we can be sure it will be near the Fall! Remembers those who died in the War of Independence and other wars in Israel. Kippur is also known as the Day of Atonement. It is not the rapture day, as that occurs at the midpoint of Daniels 70th week and that day is the resurrection/rapture of all the saved including all old testament saved. Only one Shabbat can occur between these dates. 4 future years. 1/3 of all Jews alive at the start of the Trib ? The Israel scheduleis used by Jews living in modern Israel. 6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: 7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. I found these dates by finding when Yom Kippur occurs for each year in the table below and then subtracting 2520 days, the length of the 70th week of Daniel (see my article: Why the Tribulation Is 7 Years Long to see why the 70th week of Daniel is 2520 days in length). We get assignments of leadership. At that time He will resurrect the saints who are no longer living and instantly change those saints who are still alive to immortal spirit beings ( Matthew 24:31. ; 1 Corinthians 15:52-53. ; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. The table below shows ten potential start dates for the 70th week of Daniel if it indeed ends on Yom Kippur. are we the daily sacrifice taken away? I am seriously considering the 8th! Fast commemorating the siege of Jerusalem, Fast commemorating breaching of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. My goal is to make Bible prophecy easy for you to understand while avoiding the sensationalism seen elsewhere. They have a Feast of Trumpets on the first day of the 6th month, but I used the 7th. Jerusalem Day. Minor Jewish holiday of love. Would rather celebrate in Heaven that in this dismal place. In the center of the Sun I saw the number 21, which was very thin, and it was increasing in number 22, 23, and 24 (Learn Here), Angus, UK During the night of October 14, 2014, Abigail was taken in the Spirit high above the earth and found herself looking at a very sad faced angel who was looking downwards upon the earth. It makes perfect sense that Jesus comes back on this day. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV9oLILldTMnQHIznKvv22A/videos. Those who did much work for God, or was a martyr in the name of Jesus, get great rewards. We do know that 2/3 rds will be cut off and 1/3rd will survive. She was the wife of King Jehoiachin of Judah and the mother of Jehoshaphat (Jehovahs son), who was later to become the king who would rule Israel for the next 1,000 years. (sabbath is friday sundown to saturday sundown, so this 4/12 passover date begins at the end of a sabbath). Thanks for your support. Today would be preferable, but I lean heavily on Sept 6 thu 8th! He raises it up to a flat plain. Butone-third shall be left in it: Perhaps many of the 2/3s cut off might be coming from this crowd? an october start time for the trib + 6 months would be a midtrib springtime April. to confirm Christs return in 2028 (Learn Here), Nashville, TN In February 2019 God asked Gabriel to create a short introduction video to place at the top of the homepage of this 2028 END website to introduce visitors to this message What God did with this video to confirm Christs return in 2028 is nothing short of mind-blowing (Learn Here), Nashville, TN On March 4, 2020, Gabriel and his wife were sitting at a traffic light right next to the fire station in their tiny town of Donelson, Tennessee. Please move on and get a real job. May the untold and unending glories begin! Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Suffice to say any day is a good day for the Rapture! Yes, that doesnt look right. Just as the spring feasts pointed toward the Messiah's ministry at His first coming, the autumn feasts point toward what will happen at His second coming. Several events will begin to be brought about by the end of the 70th week of Daniel, including: Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Daniel 9:24).

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