While her bad feeling about the project persisted, she decided to just be supportive of Andrew. However, she collapsed in the parking lot, where Cormac found her unconscious. Meredith assured Levi that she had forgiven him for reporting the insurance fraud. Meredith sympathized with the residual symptoms Gerlie was experiencing, survivor's guilt being one of them. Derek appreciated that she gave him everything he needed until his last breath. She agreed to stay in a hotel room with Nathan, marking another step in their relationship. Meredith had Erica in high school at 16. However, Heather and Shane discovered heavy bleeding, and Meredith realized that she had suffered an internal bleed from her fall on the stairs. After Izzie was diagnosed with cancer, and when the condition relapsed and Meredith was informed, she and Derek gave their wedding to Alex and Izzie. That all came to an end in season 11 episode 21 when Derek Shepherd was killed in a car accident. She told him to "go give 'em hell" in Boston and he thanked her for showing him how. She advised Alex to go and tell Bailey what happened, but he went to try and stop Andrew from pressing charges. [12], The group ended up spending four days out in the woods before they were found and airlifted to Boise Memorial Hospital, where they were treated before being sedated and flown back to Seattle. Season 6~. She attends Derek and Meredith's Christmas dinner to impress her father, and shows a motherly protection over Meredith. Initially, Meredith disliked Alex, after he insulted her on the first day of her internship, by calling her a nurse. While she was glad he was doing okay, she told him to inform people on his whereabouts. Derek planned to propose to her, with a ring from his mother but remarked to Mark that the timing had to be right, otherwise she would bolt. [44] The next day, Addison found Meredith's panties in Derek's pocket and realized her marriage was over. He blamed her for being a hypocrite. She was the fall he had always desired. They ended up having to share the chamber with James Chee and his patient. Both of them missed saving lives and were frustrated about having to sit on the sidelines. Meredith was upset with Derek for being so attached to the federal initiative position and told him that she never wanted him to give it up for her. You're like my own personal lighthouse." They later become so close, that Meredith gave Thatcher a piece of her liver because Lexie asked her to and she doesnt want her sister to feel the loss of her father, something of which she had experienced herself. But she was not entirely pleased to find out that he chose Alex, over her, to help him. Will that change Meredith and Derek's life forever? Most of the doctors in the hospital acknowledge Richard and Meredith's relationship, often getting her to use her dead mommy connections to get something. Gabby and her mother had been detained at the Mexican border. As they all left the hotel, Bailey told Meredith she could return to work at Grey Sloan. Richard talked about trying to stay strong for everyone worrying about her. She then let him in, replacing Derek on her beach. People from their past come and visit. Despite numerous calls from Alex, she refused to answer. Trapped, Meredith fails to stop Andrew from taking the fall for her. Back at the hospital, she and Andrew treated a deteriorating Cece, who had discovered Link and suggested him to Meredith. She then collapsed in Taryn's arms. Meredith was briefly joined again on her beach by Bailey, whose mother had been admitted with COVID as well. She developed a habit of reciting surgical steps in her head to deal with her claustrophobia in the PPE. Derek told her that he was unfortunately unable to accept the offer, but he took her card anyway. Lexie asked her if she was going to stay. The hearing began and the judge introduced the doctors on the panel. During surgery, the biopsy results came in, revealing the mass was not malignant. The only people that knew about Meredith's miscarriage were Cristina, Owen, and April. However, the couple never made it down the aisle since they ended up giving their venue to Alex Karev and Izzie, leading them to make their own personal wedding in episode 24, "Now Or Never". Meredith accepted the job.[104]. As he stepped off, Cristina finally informed Meredith her package wasn't a thing but a person: Cormac, whom she had nicknamed McWidow. Meredith and Maggie were immediately in conflict at work. Alex also spilled to Cristina that she and Meredith were all he had and that they were his family, and that realization made him help Meredith and attempt to get Social Services to let Meredith keep Zola. Thatcher apologizes to Lexie and Meredith. And Cristina went home with Owen. She rang Izzie to tell her to come back because Alex might be moving on, after witnessing Alex and Reed flirting and the next morning she found Lexie and Alex in bed together but advised them to keep it secret. Later, she explained to Cormac that it was tough to pick a new POA as everyone was like family to her. Fearing that she would lose Zola, Meredith hid with Zola in the basement of the hospital for 4 hours. Wouldn't have been caught dead at prom.". [98], As her oxygen sats began improving significantly, Meredith was moved from the ICU to regular room with her ventilator. But something has changed between the two. She was throwing a ball around with her son when Bailey visited. She told him she loved him and begged him not to quit and instead take the suspension Bailey had proposed so that he wouldn't ruin his career. GA: A Hard Day's NightS19: Stuck The shooting that happened after the death of a patient of Derek's, when the patient's husband shot numerous people, also shooting Derek was traumatizing for both of them, especially as Meredith miscarried because of the events of that day. The water then destroyed his castle. Lexie Grey has the perfect life. When Adele Webber became part of their trial, however, Meredith's emotions started to cloud her judgment, and as a result, she switched the placebo with the active medication, so Adele would get better. He didn't hold it against her as he had had the same disagreement with Cristina once, though he was on Meredith's side back then. Unwilling to explain the whole situation to the technicians through the phone to stop Andrew, Meredith had no choice but to focus on Gus and Alex. During the "superstorm," Meredith gave birth, via c-section, to a baby boy whom she named Derek Bailey Shepherd after both Derek and Miranda Bailey.[109]. However, after their break-up, when Derek tried to talk to Meredith, Bailey grew protective and told him not to, that Meredith was hurt and he would just make it worse. This led Andrew to realize how much she had respected Derek, and although Meredith warned him not to compare, he didn't feel equal to her. He wrote that he'd miss the hell out of her but assured her that she was perfectly capable of being her own person with him and Cristina gone. It's only a matter of time before Derek is pushed towards Meredith again. Or better, this is a dream, of how MerAdd could've worked in the series. Although Richard tried to conceal his relationship with Ellis, Adele always knew, so if she was in their company, she would just play with Meredith. The fictional character has gone through so much from her husbands death, to a hospital shooting, and to winning a prestigious medical award. Conversation then came easier and Meredith told him about Maggie and her children and comforted him until he died with her by his side.[55]. As Gus coded, the decompression process was started. Later, back in her room, Cristina and Alex talked with Meredith about medical proxies, and it turned out that Cristina had actually disapproved of Meredith's decision for Richard. In her free time, Abigail enjoys a good reality show, going to concerts, and pretending she knows how to cook. When April came back after being fired, Meredith liked her even less, because she was way too friendly to Derek. Happy Days' Original Title Would've Killed The Classic Show, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role. She informed Carina, who hated that she and Bailey had pushed him to this point in spite of her warnings about his condition. Maggie and Amelia came to sit with her and Meredith vented her frustration about Andrew, who just didn't get her because he wasn't a parent himself. In another attempt to find more work, Meredith set out to convince Bailey to allow her to create a surgical innovation fellowship for Jo. First published Apr 01, 2020. But soon Bailey, Meredith's resident, caught her and Derek together and made it her mission to make Meredith's life at work as miserable as possible, as she was involved with her boss, who was also Bailey's boss. He later came to the house and she told him about Derek and said she thought she was ready, but she wasn't. She commented on his looking older than when he had died, which he attributed to her imagining him that way being more comfortable for her. Meredith then told him they needed to talk about Jo and shared what Jo had told her before. With no cell phone connection, they tried to find a way out to no avail. Lexie gave up the apartment that she and George had rented, and moved into the attic of Meredith's house, where she occasionally bemoaned the fact that she didnt have a proper room instead. While bleeding out on the table, Meredith Grey instructed Shane and Heather on how to perform the surgery. She permitted Zola to stay home from school but only if she agreed to come to the hospital to make her homework there. She was joined on her beach by Andrew, who had been stabbed while tailing a human trafficker. Meredith shot up and told him that he had no right to talk about her daughter as he had been the one to kill her father as he neglected to do even basic burr holes, let alone a head CT. Meredith yelled that he didn't deserve to judge her or anyone for that matter, after which he had a sudden seizure. She thought Meredith was doing the same to Richard, refusing to believe it was Alzheimer's. but Meredith decided she wanted to stay, so Derek resigned from Grey Sloan. After Meredith finished stabilizing a patient's badly wounded leg with the help of a little girl just by the water, the man panicked and pushed Meredith off the edge into the bay. Upon returning to the hotel, an employee escorted her to the bar where she found Nick waiting for her. Upon finding out that Nathan didn't know yet, Meredith immediately left to go and tell him. While awaiting the date, Andrew kept staring at her longingly so Meredith set a rule that he could not do that at work so at to not be distracted from her work. Jo mocked Meredith's love triangle, but Meredith stated there was no love and thus no triangle. They advised Meredith not to fight change and resist pain, deeming it a waste of life. Cormac set up a video chat between Zola and a tablet in Meredith's room so Zola could talk to her mother. Meredith couldn't help but smile as she closed the door.[106]. Meredith revealed to Andrew that she speaks some Italian, and they grew closer, almost sharing a kiss before the elevator started working again. During the procedure, Maggie also encouraged her to hire Cece. She replied someone would get hurt and, since Nathan brushed it off, then lied and said she didn't feel the same way about him.[37]. Still convinced it was something other than rapidly progressing Alzheimer's, she sought out Andrew, who secretly had been working on the case, and had him show her what he had come up with so far. She said she had wanted to tell him but he was too busy dumping her. He believed she was worth waiting for. He was told that to be put on the transplant list, he had to be sober for at least a year, but he had only been sober for 90 days. "Something About What Happens When We Talk", "Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey", 1. He thought she was so beyond him, but it turns out she was just a kid hiding behind excuses. And despite all that she's lost, she continues to find joy in her work as a surgeon, as a teacher, as a mother. Meredith was the only one who knew about her mother's condition outside the nursing home staff, whose personnel were bound by contract to keep Ellis's condition confidential. Because a medical school application cycle takes at least a year in the US, and the medical school takes 4 years to complete, Meredith would have realistically been at least 31 when she started her internship, although it is unknown if she skipped grades at school, like, When her dad left home, Meredith was 5, making the year 1983. Alex and Richard came to her defense, but Bailey fired all three of them. When he chose rehab, Derek was named the interim Chief of Surgery. He eventually grew to realize that he was miserable without his family and wanted to be with them more than "saving the world." Richard told Meredith about the ring, but the despondent Derek hit the ring into the woods, with a baseball bat. Derek then reappeared and told her he would be right there for her. She told him they wouldn't leave until they figured it out and got to work.[86]. Meredith reconnects with her dying father. The couple subsequently got into an argument in the changing room, where Derek argued that it was Alzheimer's, a disease that she could potentially have, and one whose progression he was trying to stop or cure, while at the same time espousing that everything was black and white, a right and a wrong. He offered to help out and they managed to get her house ready in time. The hit medical drama Grey's Anatomy just kicked off its record seventeenth season with a two-hour season premiere. How will her relationship with Derek be after he is told he will be a father? It may have been a cruel trick, but it was also an effective one since it provided insight into the pain and denial Meredith must have been experiencing at the moment. She understood and assured him it would get better over time, though not all the way better. Meredith surprised Derek with a 'the world's best big sister' t-shirt for Zola to tell him she was pregnant. While Jo waited to talk to Bailey, she asked Meredith to go and tell Alex. She has won a . While the surgeons were preparing the hospital and the storm hit Seattle, Meredith's water broke. When Alex later noticed the way Meredith looked at Nathan, he encouraged her to go after him, but soon changed his mind when he and Nathan disagreed over a case. It is and forever will be the most iconic and quoted line of Grey's Anatomy: "Pick me, choose me, love me.". An exhausted Meredith then returned to the COVID ICU. Unfortunately, Cece didn't make it. If not, there was no point in avoiding death and she may as well just join Derek now. "Meredith, please, we don't even know what happened. With memories of Ellis revealing that Mer is anything but. She honestly said she only regretted her decisions to the extent she could knowing that they led to Gabriela doing well now. She was alone, and she handled the situation with a level of strength that not many can accomplish. When Meredith began traveling frequently to Minnesota to develop a cure for Parkinson's, they struck up a relationship. He told Meredith he never felt seen the way she saw him. While trying to fall asleep, the interns bothered her to ask for help finding Heather stories to tell Heather's mother, and Meredith told them what she had told George's mother after he died. Cristina was often there for Meredith during her worst times and vice versa. Meredith tried to choose between Derek and Finn, but when she was unable to decide between the two men, she decided to date both of them until she decided. Meredith eventually broke HIPAA and told Maggie about Catherine's cancer. She briefed the paramedics when they arrived and stressed that they should get him a head CT. Gabby is among the patients who showed up to show their support for Meredith. When she went to work, she discovered, much to her shock, that Derek too worked at Seattle Grace, as an attending, so she staunchly refused to date him, although they did manage to sneak by a few stolen sexually charged moments. Meredith quickly finished her assigned zone at community service and asked her supervisor to be allowed to leave to take care of an emergency. Later, when Derek got shot, Meredith said that April didn't have the right to cry because of Derek, but she told Meredith that Reed, her best friend died. Meredith gets to know Cormac as they wait for the liver. She then found a broken down Andrew sitting at the nurses' station. George was humiliated and furious and for weeks, he refused to speak to her. Afterward, Meredith walked Amelia back to her car and thanked her for her input. The post-it note was the only thing that survived the house fire in season 19, reminding fans how iconic their break room wedding was. Meredith was growing tired of people hovering over her and just wanted her old life back. Tom made Meredith wait in the waiting area so she made Taryn promise to text her updates. When the social worker on their case, Janet, discovered that Meredith and Derek weren't living together and that Meredith had been fired, red flags were raised in the system. At the hospital, she shared her experience with Andy Herrera, who made her see that she now knew there still were great men out there and that she managed to dodge this particular slow-moving bullet because he revealed his opinion on single mothers before the relationship could have dragged on for too long. [118] It happened four times, but Meredith didn't want him to get too attached to her. Though most of the original cast members of Greys Anatomy have moved on to other projects, Pompeo has remained the main character since its beginning. He said he'd back off for a while and wait, but he'd call and then come back. Alex cheated on Meredith with April Kepner. Will she be able to work in the new not-so-friendly environment and find love in the process? However, he ended up shooting Owen, though his injuries were comparatively minor.

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