Mau Mau is european-invented name; the Gikuyu people is the Kenyan name. After being criticized for using a racial slur in a video for Chinese New Year, Sixers guard JJ Redick offered an explanation in a tweet Sunday evening, writing that his words "came out the wrong . As in "Cafe de Chales" = Chinese-run or owned cafe. Reborn during World War II as Canada's 'defender from the Nazi menace.' Joe. to Nigger, known by all Filipinos, Comes from the apartheid racial classification for Blacks. Derivative of word 'Plebian' maning white middle class common people. Comes from Glaswegians. Asians that spend too much time online and hence use "l33t", the "hacker" language. From the OED. Still used today. Informal/derogatory term used by Hispanics, primarily in Mexico, to refer to Chinese people. The operation was soon abandoned in part because of outcry of Mexican-Americans who were angered by the racial profiling. They could never catch Chaka. Refers to Ghengis Khan, used towards to Eastern Europeans of Mongol descent, Ask their president Milo Djukanovic, and his brother Atzo. A person of mixed Japanese/Caucasian descent. But U.S. Supreme Court precedent says otherwise. Refers to the caste-mark (dot) on their foreheads. Small, ulgly, vicious creatures of a sunny land. They are said to be the missing link between apes and humans. The comic was created with a futuristic, crime driven city, called Lowtown, in . Person who drives an Asian car that has modifications which are supposed to make the car look faster. (pronounced: cow-cow) Thai slang referring to whites. Term used to describe when an Asian drinks and turns really red. S. African Kaffir possibly imported during the Boer War by British soldiers who had fought in the Sudanese campaign. Take a hint, already, guys! Asian women who only date white men. Refers to improvised helmets made of cheesbuckets, as worn by millitant farmers during the. Used by locals similar to how blacks use "nigger.". Slur Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor follows a teacher's journey in a magic school who wants to get fired, a princess with unclear motives hinting towards world domination, and her classmate who wants to go to a magical castle in the sky. It is usually derogatory, but can be an endearing term. "In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality," James said kicking off the conversation. Because mexicans are short. Combination of Canadian and Nigger for black Canadians. Popular White 80s hairstyle called a 'mullet' is similar to a gorilla: short on top and long in the back. Maldito means "god-damned". Often used as a term for suburban cowboys. White Trailer Trash that have sex with Pigs. Used to describe the overcrowded vehicles of migrant workers. Blacks in the 1930s/1940s used to wear snazzy suits called zoot suits. Obscure Monty Python reference; take on "brussel sprouts", hence Belgians. Means "White American Princess". Thais, living in Thailand, refer to the Indians (who have been in Thailand for at least 200 years, I think) as Kaeks, which means "guest" in Thai. Reference to the suffix "nese.". Probably the most popular and most mainstream Latin food company in the world. of Mexico. Refers to the sound of the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect. Spota not break the law.". A person who is 1/8th Black. Stronzo - Asshole, bastard, mean. White/Any other race mix. See Mojo. James Earl Jones' character from The Lion King. Blacks sit out in the yard to keep cool. Armenian gangsters call themselves "Rabiz". Then . (Which is true, owing largely to their being immortal but lacking an afterlife.) Eyes, In the shape of a protractor, 180 degrees at bottom, straight line. Also, being the direct lineage of Easu as oppose to Blacks and American Indians being the lineage of Jacob according to Genenis chp.25 vers 25 and Genesis chp. ", Romanian word for jew, dirty jew, or cheap jew, Jews are typically Zionist in political nature. From the common Slavic woman's name, used in Turkey and other countries to refer to East European prostitutes, and by extension to any East European woman, with the suggestion that they are all whores. Stands for Racial Identity Crisis. Despite its negative history, the word is regularly used by various races. Usually in reference to a poor, older black man. Possibly derived from the "MC" often used after many black nicknames. ", Henry Ford used it, reference to circumcision. Used mainly during the First and Second World Wars, and directed especially at German soldiers. From "Scrod," which is a 19th century word for young cod fish. Also Shiptar, Shqiptar, and other variations exist. The native bird of NZ and a popular fruit. Japanese equivalent to "Goyim," refers to anyone not Japanese, but especially Westerners. Smash grapes with feet to make wine, hence grape smasher. Literally means "sweetheart" but used in deragatory manner, Racial term mostly used by Cubans or White Hispanics referring to the Mestizo peoples (or mixed Indian/Spanish) of Central or South america (since Cubans have no Indian ancestry). During the period prior to the Civil War, many blacks were named after famous Romans (e.g. Jul . Why is retard a slur but bastard isn't? - Quora Newfoundlanders. Jews tend have long noses, similar to a mosquito. Variation of "paddy." nausea at 20 weeks pregnant. Hispanics who pull over on the side of a main highway, pop the hood on their car, set up the volleyball net, sit on thier coolers and have a picnic. Started when there was a big Italian emigration to the U.S., and many were coming in illegally (with out papers). More derogatory than the term "Portagee. T-shirts, stickers, wall art, home decor, and more designed and sold by independent artists. Fog-Breather: British: Englands weather is often extremely foggy: Jeeves: British: A supposedly common name of British butlers. Probably not a slur. Derived from Sicilian immigrants who paid in Italian currency, Guineas. Update: Read the November 2017 article in the New York Times about Lisa Eisner and the Hammer's in-store pop-up. Translates in Arabic to "Beloved". It means "small balls" in Spanish. Share the best GIFs now >>> Supposedly means blonde in northern Mexico. Refers to Indians who have forgotten their heritage. Russian term literally translating as 'Black-Assed'. community bible study complaints; marriage witness requirements; how old was queen esther when she died. Russians in WWII called Germans Fritzes, a common German name in those days (short for Friedrich). Used by non-whites describing places uncomfortably too white. Used a lot during the Civil War. Not really a slur. Go to hell! 'Nazi Firewood' to be more specific. Popular in New York as Italian and Jewish neighborhoods grew together. Northern Italians because of the Polenta that they eat in the north. Correctly spelled "Polak.". Insult originates in Hawaii. Trailer trash that are forced to watch tornadoes while trapped in trailors. While all races in Chinese are refered to as a type of ghost/shadow (sub-human), the word for Japanese is unique in that it means child. Black/Any other race. Thus, people who live in housing projects often sit out front to keep cool. - te******, Play on quiet rivalry between Trinidad and Tobago. Started when there was a big Italian emigration to the U.S. Their Luggage would say "TO NY" (New York). W.A.S.P. Refers to Buckwheat, a Black character on "The Little Rascals.". Filipinos (especialy women) tend to have raggy looking course hair. Used for blacks who pretend to be white. The dot on their head looks like a laser sight. Heard throughout Ireland, extremely derogatory word for blacks, who have an increasing number in the Irish population. Originally from "buta-head" meaning pig-headed since Hawaiians were stubborn compared to their mainland counterparts. Rat Bastard (1998) - IMDb Another slur based on the Hispanics consumption of beans. Cambodian Americans. The biggest city in South India used to be called Madras(now Chennai). Originates probably with the food which is a staple of southern cooking. Reference to tourists from Canada who come to the shore. Perhaps derived from the fact that Harp Ale is brewed in Ireland or that the Harp is popular instrument amongst the Irish. Polish for "Polish man." Aborigonal meaning "you bloody cunt" i.e. Same as nigger in the United States. Originally meaning people whose ancestors came from different parts of Catalonia, and later Spanish-speaking people that migrated into Catalonia. Shortened, dink just means "crazy". is rat bastard a slur - Refers to the criminal army the English sent into Ireland to rape, plunder, and terrorize the inhabitants. '), In reference to the daily Muslim prayings on their knees, Comes from 'coon' (Blacks) of the 'dunes' (sand dunes) in the Middle East. Generic term representing any Asian group without having to identify country of origin. They ain't white and they ain't black, THEY'RE IN BETWEEN. This can be directed at any race, but primarily used toward whites. Because they use massive spices in their cuisine and they rub them on their bodies. Mexican/Black mix. Refers to White people who are infatuated with Asian culture and society. Comes from red-necked woodpecker. Could also have meaning as a shortening of "raccoon", as raccoons have a tendency to steal. Because minimum wage only applies to U.S. citizens. It's a racist term because when white people realize the truth, whatever pride they have in being American will be crushed. Hawaiian: Haole is a contraction of ha (breath) and a'ole (no) meaning "no breath" used to described foreigners who shook hands instead of greeting nose to nose like the Hawaiians. Roughly translates to "dude." Arrogant female whites who flaunt their money around and demand the finest things in life. Reference to the infamous Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Pronounced "flems", from Monty Python's Flying Circus. "Bat-gwai" is the Cantonese for "white ghost;" or as we more commonly hear it translated, "white devil." Note: The word "shiptar" is most likely derived from the name of the Albanian language - "Shqiptar". Mandarin Chinese: "Foreign Devil" pronounced: yahng GWAY zi. Faces flat like they were hit with a pan. It was used by Equadors in addressing Alberto Fujimori during war as a result of Berlin Congress in 19c where borders left apart. Pronounced "we be", this refers to the inability of most blacks to conjugate the "be" verb, thus resulting in "we be" instead of "we are" when making references to themselves. This term is mostly used by Mexicans and Native Americans, which happen to be the real Americans, not whites. He was a stereotypical minstrel show character, history described, The black slave from the movie "Gladiator.". From the Vietnam War. Derived from "conk", a lye-straightened hairdo popularized in the 1920s by Cab Calloway. Used by British to refer to blacks (originally slaves) in the West Indies; derived from Quassi, name of slave from Surinam who became famous. Originated during the Vietnam War (1960-1974) from the phrase 'Viet Cong,' shortened to V.C., which in the military phonetic alphabet is 'Victor Charles' which gets you to 'Charlie.'. The Native American sign for a white person was wiping the index finger across their own face along the bridge of the nose, indicating the border between dark and light skin on a cowboy's face. how much sperm does a 15 year old produce. Female Filipinos, or Asians in general. is rat bastard a slur. 327 Synonyms & Antonyms of BASTARD - Merriam-Webster In prison, this is a widely used word for blacks. Not necessarily a slur. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. Refrence to crossing the border from Mexico to US. (slavery), They come out at night to raise hell - turn on the lights and they scatter. is rat bastard a slur - Ararat is in "historic" Armenian, but the region currently belongs to Turkey, False acronym for the Hollywood based street gang called AP, which stands for Armenian Power, Glendale, CA has a very large Armenian community. Stay away from Albert, he's a real rat-bastard when he's drunk. Related to "Pepper". Used by lifeguards, because they're always rescuing blacks; they sink like rocks. Many Mexicans who have illegaly entered the country take cleaning jobs. Was probably originally coined in the Boer War when the British/Afrikaaneers were fighting the Zulus. ), In the movie "New Jack City" Chris Rock played a black/crack-head named Pookie, Low-income housing with no air conditioning led to many blacks in the projects sitting on the porch to stay cool. "metal bastard", "metal trash" and "rubber headed eunich". Tamara Djordjevic Mafs, Often bouncing around and moving, like kangaroos. They also have gained a reputation as scheming, duplicitous sorts in recent years. Refers to Jews being loud, pesty and foreign (as the geese are in Massachusetts), and having big noses, Catholic Jews. Comes from a popular song during the time of the Civil War. Reference to the popular Bukkake fetish. Bourbon are brown coloured brown cream filled biscuits. Rhymes with 'pie pie'. Blacks were regarded as property and openly bought or traded before the Yankees won. dema refers to an ancestral deity in many mythologies that is murdered and then from the body comes some form of creation- i.e. Like Mammy. Meaning they all look the same and are another random face. Also: Halfrican American, Black/White mix. Mina murmured, voice almost reverent as she and Kaminari wandered down the halls of UA the next morning. The Irish were once loosely called the green race. Since fall 2015, the Hammer Store has been collaborating with Los Angeles artists and designers on one-of-a-kind pop-up shops allowing us to present new perspectives . An insult to (for example) black police officers in England. Self Explanatory. From Pinnochio's "father" Gepetto, who was Italian. They eat a hell of a lot of Taro. Hitler, of course. Blacks who can't afford cars and are always seen riding bikes: (S)illy (N)iggers (O)n (B)ikes. fishers home builders. Originated from blacks originally living in Africa and using blow guns. Used when Native Americans and Blacks describing Whites whom they see as hurting them many times in present and past and represent an ongoing unhealed open wound, also wounds are often pink in color (the open sore) so it represents the color of many whites who look pink, 1960's Black Panther slang. Refering to the color of thier gums. Quite frankly, watching Donny beat Nazis to death is the closest we ever get to goin' to the movies.". Former United States president hailing from the caucasian sector of race. In reference to the 3/5ths Compromise, where the US Gov't decided that slaves (Blacks) only counted as 3/5ths of a person for population reasons. Hawaiians eat a lot of poi (taro root) and are fat. Spelled with a K, as in the Korn song of the same title. "Banana" and "anime." Means "One who throws arrows. Sounds like their gulping when the speak English, Soldier in name called them that, referring to McDonalds (slaughtered meat). with 5 letters was last seen on the January 01, 1969. Comes from Jaundice (Hepatitis), which turns your skin yellow. Started by the constant greetings of the clerks of a deli as they greet customers. Perception that blacks appear sweaty and greasy. Can be used towards racist whites who don't think they're racist. Refers to a pale Finnish fuck with beatty eyes and blonde hair who sucks a lot of penis. It means "umbrella", only related with the alike pronunciation, nevertheless derogatory. sounding like a machine gun. Updated version of FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) and refers to any recent immigrant who cannot speak english well. Affluent suburban white kids who dress, talk and act like they were brought up in the ghetto. Used to mean "ignorant Ukranian", Based on their buildings having large onion-type roofs. In that Albanians use the word "shiptar" to address/describe one another, while taking insult from its use by non-Albanians. Originally was a compliment for Black women, grew popularity from the movie "Friday" then was commonly used mockingly under mentality that a Nubian meaning African even with a title of princess is still a Nigger. From Afro hair style and Bro for brother. The French are said to laugh like frogs. Usually it's used by Russians, who are referring to Estonians. "So black they appear purple.". Great Targets, slow moving, and slow witted. Variant: briar-hopper. White/Black mix. Could also refer to double-A batteries, which you use for a while then throw away. Name given to Koreans by the Whites who visit the country. That's fine by me. is rat bastard a slur - Used in a Billie Holiday song during the Civil Rights movement. Spanish word meaning monkey. Finnish people regard Swedish men to be woman-like homosexuals - thus bg which is Swedish for a homosexual. Inability to win a war since Napoleanic times - loss of their colonies and their surrender of their homeland. From the Rapper Eminem, thought of as a white person who tries to be black. Could also refer to the Gar, a fish similar to the piranha, found in streams in the Southern US and eating by many Southern Blacks. See: Haole, From a Christ Rock skit on Saturday Night Live where he bemoans lack of racist terms for whites, Possibly comes from the term "Honky Tonk", which is a type of country music. Reference to the mongoloid appearance of many Hawaiins and other Pacific islanders. Corruption of "French" or "Franks". Laugh out loud with your friends with the funniest politically incorrect jokes on the web! Extremely offensive to anyone who speaks Navajo. Used by themselves and the Dutch. In Japanese, the word insult or swear-word translates as / bujoku. Black Southern speech. From the cereal "Captin Crunch" only the Arabian version. By 1911 the term began being applied to Hispanics, although the reference to Italians is the most common. After World War II, displaced refugees of Eastern European origin were referred as Displaced Persons, however, it stuck around even today to describe Polish immigrants. Now pretty much synonymous with Russians/Communists. Derogatory term also used to suggest the toady behavior of Black civil servants. Mexicans hopping fences to get into the U.S. Fresh Over the Fence. Kangaroo-fucker. Was referenced in the news recently when some white Kiwis tried to get it changed on their census forms because it was racist - "Pakeha" translates to "White pig", a reference both to what the Maoris thought of the first English settlers, and the way the same settlers tasted when eaten - salty, like the wild pigs they also ate. 'Husky' also means large or overweight. Used by other black people to refer to the 'old-school' blacks who do not keep current with the 'gansta' styles of music or clothing. a horrible, nasty person. Reference to the Shakespearean play of the same title about a black man named Othello married to a white woman. Canadian Born Chinese. Short for "Anglophone" and used in Quebec, especially for Anglophones in Quebec province itself. Aliquam porttitor vestibulum nibh, eget, Nulla quis orci in est commodo hendrerit. Some Japanese pilots(called Kamikaze) were trained to make a suicidal crash attack durin World War II. Stands for 'Perpetrator In Training.'. Was probably redefined in the days of American slavery by the slavemaster's "Crack" of the whip. When kneeling to Mecca, Arabs bend in a position enabling them to kiss the sand. When choosing an exterior color for a Cadillac, a popular car amongst Blacks, the color code for black is 19. A caucasian, black, and asian person. . May technically only refer to Portuguese people. Could also refer to Blacks that stay up all night playing loud thumping music, real common in the industrial Midwest. The dot's significance relates to the marital status of an indian female. Mexicans use it to refer to white people: bolillo=white bread bun, Enslaved African-Americans told tales to their children of a Boogie Man who would abduct you, kill you or otherwise cause harm to you if you were to leave the plantation. menstruating. Answer (1 of 25): It's a slur if you use it as a slur. Pronouced "milk," made due to misrepresentation of national holidays. A Canadian Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. Used by Hispanics against White Women that like Black Men. WWII term for a German soldier, derived from a machine gun of the same make. Used to describe those who have lost the language, culture, etc. A term used for an Epygtian young male in America. Termites are typically white, pale, or clear. Gullah language word meaning White Trash. Translated into Farsi (Persian language) means "black". Many people in the southern U.S. supported the confederacy in the Civil War, and still display their support with confederate flags. Comrade Chinx was a rebel in Zimbabwe during British rule, and now rebels throughout Africa have adopted this name. Connotes "imperialist"; used by Mexicans and Mexican-Americans; apparently originated in Spain to refer to French. White Missionaries. Originally the name of a South European frog, although during the Napoleonic Wars it became a term used by British soldiers referring to their French enemy. After Ringo Starr of the Beatles. Expression appears in some U.S. movies made during the war. Refers to Irish Roman Catholic immigrants living in such large U.K. cities as Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. From 70's military slang, stands for "Little Brown Fucking Machine". Also known as "suomalaine pekka", which means "Finnish Pekka".

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