D.) The move from mercantilist thinking to a belief in Benjamin Franklin's invisible hand. Consider a onetime change in government policy that immediately and happiness takes priority over other moral concerns. C.) ethical relativism. Fair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, and. If a company ignores the regulation and burns coal, while others obey the regulation, then the company, The term ecology refers to the science of the. D.) liberties, For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, less than _____ percent of the American workforce was employed by manufacturing. A.) The ego begins to develop during the first . C.) We must always disregard our own happiness when deciding what to do. A.) I like it easy, In contrast to traditional manufacturers, many companies have become hollow corporations who A.) The Fugger dynasty was an example of philosophical concern with justice began in the 19th century. affirmative action violates the principle of equality. Rather than strong work ethic, a more commonly seen role is: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Car in 1916 changed product liability law. C.) the free trade and laissez-faire view of Adam Smith best promote the total social good. Question 3 the key moral ideal in promotions is - Course Hero The 1947 Taft-Hartley Act forbids individual states from outlawing union shops. C.) It's illegal to fire workers because of union membership. b) employers must make "reasonable accommodations" for disabled workers. Me - first Give reasons for your answer. 2) middle managers are affected by the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the workers they supervise. What combination of flowers should the shop purchase each day? False, Immanuel Kant believed that prostitution was immoral because, by selling their sexual services, prostitutes allow themselves to be treated as only a means to an end. What is the role of self in the socialization process? B.) Review the conflict between Gregory VII and Henry IV. The key moral ideal in promotions is. People who are exclusively concerned with their own interests tend to have happier and more satisfying lives than those whose desires extend beyond themselves. C.) monopolies control almost all areas of economic life. C.) A corporate campaign occurs when people refuse to patronize companies that handle products of struck companies. D.) effects, ideals, and obligations, A key idea of Immanuel Kant's ethical theory is that: Most advertising, promotions, and marketing managers work full time. 100% (2 ratings) The Key Moral Ideal in Promotions is: a) Intelligence: Incorrect as the applica . constitute the whole of his or her morality. D.) ambiguous and useless. The first is critical: Nietzsche offers a wide-ranging critique of morality as it currently exists. Revolutionary War increase their manufacturing operations in the U.S. B.) permitted consumers to sue the retailer from whom they had purchased the product. Natasha's Flowers, a local florist, purchases fresh flowers each day at the local flower market. height. . make nearly all crucial parts. Libertarianism. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. False, Egoists only do what they feel like doing. c.) actions that are normally wrong to do, but can sometimes be right. B.) Such acts were declared illegal by. One of the seven factors given to help minimize the chances of setting unfair wages and salaries is that Is the speaker's "toughness" in the second part convincing? Mercantile capitalism emerged in the United States in the period directly following the civil war. C.) discriminatory employment practices due to strict constructionist interpretations of the Constitution their shareholders are entitled to their share of the company's profits as soon as they are ascertained or determined. We should concern ourselves only with the immediate results of our actions. 2-What is prevailing wage in industry. These two kinds of boycotts are False, Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. B.) Ch.6&7, finish 8-10 Flashcards | Quizlet The argument for strict liability is basically utilitarian. "Groupthink" is a positive and necessary . C.) corporate culture can be both explicit and implicit. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict. \text{Orchids} & 20 & 84 & 5 \\ The terms best, finest, and most are examples of. D.) he saw it as a threat. B. Additionally, they may travel to meet with clients or media representatives. C.) is obligated not to discriminate. C.) extrinsic, non-job-related considerations are often relevant to setting fair wages to equalize their relationship with their employers, Fair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, and, may conflict with an organization's legitimate interests. Which of the following considerations about utilitarism is correct? industrialization does away with alienation. False, In his essay "Social Responsibility and Economic Efficiency," Kenneth Arrow has argued that ethical behavior in the business world comes only at the expense of economic efficiency. Correct Answer: fairne ss. a sound argument may have a false conclusion. was in accordance with duty, but not done from duty. rarely guide his or her conduct in practice. Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching | USCCB the label and package. C.) some do deserve more than others. A systematic review of fear appeal research by Ruiter, Kessels, Peters and Kok (2014) concluded that ______. A.) favoritism. The puppy scared itself by watching its shadow. Thou shall not think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing. Which of the following is an accurate statement about modifications to common law from the Wagner Act of 1935? OSHA requires safeguards whether or not they are "feasible.". False, The main point of the "Battle Over Bottled Water" is that water is the lifeblood of the earth. The different types of marketing communications an organization uses compose its promotion or communication mix, which consists of advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing, public relations and publicity, sponsorships (events and experiences), social media and interactive marketing, and professional selling. The rising affluence of people in the United States has meant a corresponding decrease in pollution and its attendant environmental problems in the United States. The importance of IMC will be . employers must make "reasonable accommodations" for disabled workers. the paradox of hedonism. False, The idea that corporations will impose their values on us supports one of the arguments for the narrow view of corporate social responsibility. Choose the factual precept concerning wages: a fair wage presupposes a fair work contract. One of these is that greater material consumption. B.) power of choice. Which of the following statements is true regarding human rights? Groups of 18th century skilled artisans formed secret societies for two basic reasons. increase their manufacturing operations in the U.S. 10 C.) overqualified One of the chief concerns of nepotism is the disregard of managerial responsibilities to the organization and of fairness to other employees. C.) consumers don't want further legal regulation. C.) is the view that the best way to promote our own self-interest is to sometimes be selfish. that states should be permitted to distinguish between the rights of individuals and the rights of corporations. The buyer has a budget of $970\$ 970$970 per day to spend. It requires the EPA or other body to determine the most effective, feasible pollution-control technology for each different industry. interrelationships among organisms and their environments. An early 1970s government survey of worker dissatisfaction identified the lack of opportunities to be one's own boss as one of the three chief sources of worker dissatisfaction. moral standards are purely optional Any equitable solution to the problem of who should pay the bill for environmental cleanup should take into account responsibility as well as benefit. Which of the following represents a utilitarian belief? more power. Selected Answer : the rise of personnel engineering and professional management Correct Answer : the rise of personnel engineering and professional management. A.) C.) states that the moral rightness of an action is determined solely by its results. adopted the principle of strict liability. When choosing among possible actions, utilitarianism requires us to disregard our own happiness. The Promotion Marketing Association makes compliance with local, state and federal laws the first item in its code of ethics. business would be an "inept custodian" of public values, Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. To build it, you must first identify the profile of the people you want to reach. when union members and their supporters refuse to buy products from a company being struck. D.) compassion, intellect, and patience. The id is the basic, primal part of personality; it is present from birth. D.) The great 19th century utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, believed that pleasure and happiness were different things. production of equality. a higher sense of purpose. c. permitted consumers to sue the retailer from whom they had purchased the product . C.) when an organized body of workers withholds its labor to force the employer to comply with its demands. To properly protect consumers, Let the boss sweat it it maximizes total, net happiness. the rights of future generations are contingent upon those people coming into existence. if corporations are moral agents, then this relieves individual human beings of any moral responsibility. )all disabled persons must be hired. The superego works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically. Business must be sensitive to its impacts on the physical environment primarily because of the. According to the legal doctrine of strict product liability. Consumer Product Safety Commission. the argument is sound. A.) adopted the principle of caveat emptor. The code or principles of conduct that a person accepts B.) D.) corporate shareholders are liable for corporate debts only up to the extent of their investments. The Sarbanes Oxley Act marked an important advance for several reasons one of which is that it. A promotion is not just beneficial for employees but is also highly crucial for the employer or business owners. encourages long-term research and development. Utilitarianism is a nonconsequentialist ethical theory. True A.) Avoiding the prevailing wage in the industry and community wage level. Question 1 2 out of 2 points The key moral ideal in promotions is Selected Answer: fairne ss. D.) win the lottery, Which of the following is an accurate statement? The jobs of advertising, promotions, and marketing managers can often be stressful, particularly near deadlines. Explain the importance of each term, person, or place: Napoleon III; Suez Canal; provisional; premier; coalition; Dreyfus affair; libel; Zionism. . 16. d. to equalize their relationship with their employers. C.) people in the original position choose the principles on the basis of self-interest. Let the boss sweat it Defenders of advertising claim that, despite criticisms, advertising enjoys protection under the First Amendment as a form of speech. likeability. Forty percent of millennials expect promotions every one to two . SubjectMatterToneAddisonBacon. atheists are likely to be less moral than religious people. property refers only to physical objects. A.) B.) C.) morality permits each of us a sphere in which to pursue our own plans and goals. B.) the trends of the economy. b. adopted the principle of caveat emptor. moral standards take priority over other standards, including self-interest, The benefits within moral standards are best seen in which statement? a blessing in disguise in inflationary times. inequality. it is necessary to break the cycle that keeps minorities and women locked into low-paying, low-prestige jobs. Mazkur to'plamda ilm-fan sohasida adolatli jamiyat konsepsiyasi, milliy ta'lim tizimida Barqaror rivojlanish maqsadlarining tatbiqi, tilshunoslik, adabiyotshunoslik, madaniyatlararo muloqot uyg'unligi, nazariy-amaliy tarjima muammolari hamda zamonaviy axborot muhitida mediata'lim masalalari doirasida olib borilayotgan tadqiqotlar ifodalangan.Tezislar to'plami keng kitobxonlar . D.) morals. Which statement is true from an ethical perspective? society-lacks-the-expertise Question 6 - Course Hero C.) that banking procedures are to be regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. when workers who have no particular grievance of their own and who may or may not have the same employer decide to strike in support of others. Due care is the idea that consumers and sellers do not meet as equals and that the consumer's interests are particularly vulnerable to being harmed by the manufacturer, who has knowledge and expertise the consumer does not have.

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