But you will need the help of a more humanitarian sign to grow among people. With Capricorn rising, you will be at your best as a professional. You try to make things last in time. You never get over the feeling that you are innately superior to other people, and you only feel fulfilled when you are giving the orders. Leo Rising signifies nobility of character, high ideals, and great personal magnetism. Your rising sign represents your outer self how you appear to others, and how you come across in social situations. Your patience and discipline make you a good mathematician. With Capricorn at your back, you manage to deal with the most difficult obstacles. Libra sun Capricorn rising; a loving mix The Capricorn ascendant brings some much-needed warmth to the sometimes-cold Libra, making it a great combination. Of course, you are not this way all the time. Primary Sidebar. The rising sign is the constellation that was rising in the east at the moment you were born. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. Leo rising can give you a great deal of energy and enthusiasm for life. Once you have overcome or resolved your inner conflicts, you can put some of those insights of yours to work. It also describes the kinds of experiences you need to have to make your life meaningful. Your email address will not be published. Sun-Moon Compatibility - Sasstrology.com Fame and fortune come to you when you arent looking for it. She has a pleasing personality and is definitely an object of admiration for others. They use the energy of both planets in their everyday life, but never to excess or detriment. There is a basic likeableness about you, partly because you give a distinct impression that life is fun. Because you are so magnanimous in spirit, you find it hard to believe ill of others. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon man can be authoritative and create a feeling of authority around him. This stellar combo gives ya wings of steel so you can launch yourself toward whatever amazing dreams come into view (all while staying humble!). Having a Leo Sun Libra Moon, ,aintain a strong and healthy self-image by remembering that your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's, and stop paying so much attention to what others may be thinking! But your showy displays are not only to get attention; you see life in larger-than-life terms and aspire to the highest and the best. You expect others to be just as devoted to you. You have a wonderful sense of humor. The Libra Moon gives him a deep love of people. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence. However, we need to be careful not to get too caught up in our own interests. Libra Sun Leo Rising Love All Librans love to love. (Note: Leo Rising individuals have a particularly soft spot for children and spoil them outrageously.). The Sun, which rules Leo, is very prominent in your birth chart. She can alternate between being flirtatious one minute and shy the next. As an individual with a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you are constantly searching for peace of mind, you mistakenly believe you can find it in others. Yet, catch this: Their early evening birth gives them much more modesty from within than shows on the confident Leo surface. 28 Feb 2023 22:17:35 As you feel you are always right and know what is best for you and everyone else, you will seldom compromise. Much more extroverted and congenial than your fellow Capricorns, you can go far in life. If we do this, we may find that our relationships suffer as a result. He loves spending time with his family and writing about astrology and numerology. Not all Capricorns are the same. With such a powerful fusion working together in harmony within us all, it's no wonder why this select crowd is often seen as ultra-special! He may be a loner at times, but at other times he will crave for attention. People will always respond to your charm, magnetism, and determination; and they will respect you because you respect yourself. The ambitious Capricorn Sun in your astrology chart gives you a superpower to achieve any goal no mountain will be too high and every star is within reach! Yet Capricorn or Cap women lead fascinating lives once they give themselves permission to do what they want when they have the chance. He has a lot of drive and he is not just motivated by status or money, but also by creative achievement. Those with Leo rising often have an easy time making friends and are often the life of the party. It doesn't matter if men or women, Leo Sun Capricorn Moon people feel good when they are leading and running things. Somehow you feel the intricate riddle of your soul can be solved by those around you; so you are continually activeromantically as well as sociallyforever seeking some groups, philosophy, or person that will provide the inner harmony you crave so desperately. With a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon, your attitude towards others is often patronizing, and some may even consider you arrogant. You have been born to consolidate, resolve, associate. When the sun is in Libra, we are focused on relationships, both with others and ourselves. They are very aware that rules drive society and respect those who make them as long as those rules make sense. The Sun in Capricorn Moon in Libra woman is the enchantress. For the Capricorn Sun Libra Moon individual, wisdom lies in introspection and couragethe courage to let your great Capricorn strength realize your dreams. Moral issues distress you. Pisces rising loosens the tensions of Capricorn. Look for spiritual qualities, as well as material ones, when you choose a life-mate. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. When not given what you feel is your due, you can turn haughty, temperamental, and arrogant. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon person is someone who is ambitious, patient, and easy-going. This could make them appear wishy-washy or fickle. Much more extroverted and congenial than your fellow Capricorns, you can go far in life. No matter their age in real-world terms, Leo rising people are kids at heart. Mars plays a fundamental role in your life and challenges you by making you face critical situations. If, due to your own stubborn intolerance, you dont receive the attention you must have, you may succumb to any variety of neuroses. Thanks for sharing. Having Libra Rising, you like travel, new people, new projects. You are interested in questions of faith. They rule the 7 th house of love and relationships, and, to them, a life lived without love, is not a life lived well at all. She loves to be in charge and may appear bossy at times, has little patience for those who live a superficial lifestyle, value communicative harmony amongst all she comes in contact with, and she is internally very sensitive to criticism. You may also have musical and artistic talents, although your need for instant recognition and approval can hinder creative development. This is a great time for networking and forming new relationships. You take great pleasure in presenting yourself in a colorful, dramatic manner. Having a Leo moon you may have very high standards for partners and friendships etc. We are able to see both sides of every issue, and we are able to find a middle ground that works for everyone. You are the weirdest of Capricorns, since the eccentricities of Aquarius are not typical of a goat. It can give clues as to the kind of first impression you make. You breathe rarefied air. Or was it a Libra Waning Gibbous? They have a taste for the finer things in life, and are happiest when able to surround themselves with beauty, style, and comfort. Those who have a Capricorn moon are often very driven and focused on their goals. This alternation occurs in all areas of your life. On the positive side, once attached, few can match you for your generosity, loyalty, and concern. Having a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you are very romantic, but you also tend to idealize your lover. Im a Capricorn and i loved reading this. You are so reserved that, publicly, you condemn those who you see as extroverts in love. Saturn Trine Neptune Synastry. Remove your shell, goat! Socially aware; chic; a practical intellectual; liberal yet conservative;sense of justice; elegant; professional; clear-headed; high principles; organizer; afriendly loner; determined; a fighter for causes; courageous. He wants more money, more power and more recognition. They are also natural diplomats and mediators, and are often very good at finding compromise. The added sense of humor, gentleness and sociability makes you a sweet soul, although a real volcano brews within you. However, I also have a strong sense of pride and self-respect. This is a man who is all about tradition, ritual, family and romance and he will express those feelings to his loved one in very traditional ways. As an individual with a Libra Sun Capricorn Moon, you observe others from a distance, forever comparing and evaluating to decide which qualities to admire and emulate and which to disregard. While those with this rising sign are often gifted in many areas, they can also be prone to indecision and procrastination. Libra is the sign of balance, but it doesnt take much to push Libra Rising individuals off balance. I tend to be the life of the party and I enjoy being in the spotlight. You mix sensuality with mysticism. Capricorn Sun Sign With Rising Sign Combinations Of course, you are not this way all the time. It means Barnum was right. You have a strong desire to achieve a good social status, and when you do not reach it, you become an irritable and resentful being. Well done. Once you've found your big three, read below to find out what each placement means. Home Astrology Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising. The collective exercises a kind of hypnosis on you and takes you along visionary, idealistic paths. Your Ascendant is Leo - Discover The Meaning of Leo Rising - Stars Like You But if your ambition and diplomatic skills are applied in a constructive manner, you could be another Disraeli or Lafayette. Many of you are benefited by an inheritance later in your lives. With this unparalleled combo of Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising, you have the potential to make a big splash! The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon natives can be seen as having qualities and personality traits of both signs. With Libra Rising, you gravitate toward artistic and creative endeavors, but sometimes your artistic flair lies dormant and unused, for you dislike hard work and prefer to take the easy way out. For some reason, you are afraid you will infringe on others if you push too far. With the Moon in Leo, you can expect a special swagger that commands admiration and warmth. They are often successful in whatever field they choose to pursue. Its considered a cardinal sign, symbolizing leadership and ambition, which means the Capricorn personality is always on the move, starting new projects and forging ahead to reach their goals. Persistent and tenacious, you will succeed in conquering all your goals. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon woman is a gifted writer, musician or artist. The Capricorn Sun Leo Moon combination can easily produce a dictatoror a would-be dictator. With a savvy blend of inspired action and well-calculated plans, this fearless Capricorn will surely reach dizzying heights on its journey through life. These passionate partners are also fiercely loyal, standing by you no matter what life throws your way. The strength of a Capricorn comes not only from their ability to persevere, but also from the level of organization and self-discipline they possess. To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. Laughter and hard work; inferiority and superiority; forceful; vibrant;authoritative; powerful; proud; honorable; creative and capable; responsible andambitious; dignified warmth; assertive and theatrical; romantic but skeptical. When you are in love, you cant believe that this is happening to you. This person cares about harmony in the home and at work, preferring to have a comfortable, undemanding home life. The Capricorn Sun Leo Moon man This man will never be satisfied with what he has. A person born with this Sun Moon pairing is blessed with grace, charm, and beauty-both inner and outer. The Sun in Leo Moon in Libra is bright, exuberant and self assured. Those with this rising sign are known for their ability to see both sides of every issue and their natural diplomatic skills. She is sure to please a group of peopleshes kind, thoughtful, and her cool head can often help you out of a tight spot. We will discuss the characteristics of these signs and how they influence your life. Libra Sun Capricorn Moon Leo Rising: Powerful Balance Youve got an unquenchable thirst for success, plus plenty more creative passion than most can dream of your future looks bright! Nobody really gets your personality, not even your mother.

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