Negativity or criticism may dominate your communications from time to time. It implies an inexorable struggle of selfishness and problems. Saturn could be silent often. Where they reach an understanding on this matter, the full expression of their viewpoint or experience in work, self-discipline or restriction does not blend. Never mind that I speak 4 languages fluently and can pick and drop other languages by simply listening. [p] In these examples we have a fraternal contact of ten years cohabitation, friendships and business acquaintances of longer periods. [p] In a long-term relationship, the progressed Mercury oppostion Asc shows a period of separation in viewpoint or personal or physical experience. Mercury Registered: Dec 2012 . [p] There is a homosexual relationship between two men. Most of the examples are of long term relationships, in family, friends, marriages, and business contacts. [p] In one case, a man and woman from homes 3,000 miles apart met at a convention mid-way between. Mercury conjunct Mercury is a wonderful aspect to have in romantic relationships and friendships. beyond Sun Signs. [p] A point will be clarified here. Mercury forming a challenging aspect with Pluto is, well, a challenging connection and not exactly one to wish for. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. Any personal experiences or knowledge of any kind is greatly appreciated! The two people meet in a common desire or action, clash and withdraw for a shorter or longer period of time. In two cases Mercury was selfishly used and abandoned by Saturn. They have Mercury to Uranus aspects, as it is often a radical departure from convention. She was a dynamic Scorpio, whose approach to him from his childhood on was, "Do it, or else." Saturn may deal with this fear by putting down the experience, punching holes in the theory that this threatening other has presented to Mercury. [p] Some of the examples are distinctly a threat to the reputation, as in secret love affairs, use of drugs, or business dealings that could not stand too much investigation. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In a Composite chart of a couple has Cancer rising then they will look like a married couple and feel at home with each other. Synastry- Moon Conjunct Mercury- Easy feelings and correct The Saturn person in the relationship. The marriage endured for their lifetimes. The maturity and significance of the relationship depends for the most part on his attitude. Natal Saturn Conjunct Neptune Saturn conjunct Neptune natal can make life very [] In truth, the bond is likely still there from the point of view of Mercury. There was sufficient exposure to send him to prison. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects mercury saturn synastry - Astrology Anonymous Synastry:SunJupiterAspects [p] He divorced his wife, resigned his public post to go into business, and they married. When Mercury in your chart forms an aspect to your partners Saturn, form, logic, and reality are important elements in your communications. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit - Astrology King Romantic Compatibility Report, and other Compatibility reports, Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonPlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:MoonAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts, Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts. [p] There are several long term friendships in the examples where the two shared work or social action. There is either a circumstantial obstacle or an incompatibility in their areas of responsibility. THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES, Synastry: Understanding Human Relationships. [p] Mercury offered help and assistance to the extent that he could; his stability of friendship, his business efforts, his time and attention. quite literal differences -- my friend comes from a different kind of home life, wealthier than i, and he's much younger than me, too (well, i'm 35 and he's like 27). Posts: 73 From: Chicago, IL USA Registered: Nov 2012: posted January 29, 2013 04:45 PM . This can be just as threatening to Saturn, who finds security in that initial bond that felt exclusive and special, whereby Mercury and Saturn came together with a mutual understanding that they turned to each other for advice and inspiring conversations. The two of you will be quite talkative with ea. In these there is at some time a dishonor, discredit or loss. Lets take an example of Mercury conjunct Saturn in synastry. OP, I'm pretty sure I just rambled and totally forgot your question. But Saturn sees it differently. [p] The most harmonious relationship of Mercury square Pluto has some nature of coercion in it. As time goes on, inevitably Mercury will excitedly share an experience wherein he or she had an enlightening conversation with a friend outside of their relationship. in a conflict of wanting his own reputation to get first notice. Distance between the two is created, and a sense of being stifled, restricted, and censored slowly erodes the bond that felt so darn good at the beginning of their relationship. Both were in a period of inverting their former patterns, he in his work, she in her expressions of self will. [p] In other examples Mercury can't be bothered. SYNASTRY: MERCURY IN PARTNERS HOUSE. [p] In some cases Mercury overrated M.C. The example charts include approximately 60 persons who have had drug experiences. She was the doctor who headed the research lab group. They must withdraw until they can again cooperate on a basis of mutual benefit. There was one relationship of this nature between a heterosexual woman and a homosexual man. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. This is a great aspect for an intellectual relationship. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. per angelum induit, in hyacinthino pallio on Tumblr Often their conflicting responsibilities kept them apart. In some of the examples, there was a more casual and intermittent contact between people in widely varied fields of interest, who nonetheless made an impression upon each other's lives. MERCURY TRINE MARSMercury desires some action or response from Mars. It doesnt even have to be about another person. The Saturn person seems to have the upper hand in the relationship, at least for a while. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects also, two synastry aspects that I absolutely have distaste for are mars opposite pluto and venus opposite pluto. [p] There are other examples of relationships that, fortunately, received no public acclaim. Whether or not it was verbalized, the air of responsibility is explicit. There is a really strong bond with Saturn conjunct the other person's . [p] The majority of examples were family or family friends, in-laws, or friends living together. Most of them endure pleasantly and beneficially. Mercury may feel belittled or perhaps immature/illogical in Saturns presence, feeling as if Saturn is watching him/her too closely or is overly critical and fault-finding. [p] The come together to share, or experience at the same time, a matter of abundance, optimism, or expansion. At this time Mercury was working hard. Married 42 years. Saturn trines and sextiles are generally considered supportive. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects [p] A married woman had Mercury conjunct Neptune of a male friend who fell in love with her. Their initial acknowledgement of each other draws them together. In every case there is some period of tension or excitement. [Note that a commitment doesnt necessarily literally mean marriage. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 When the larger adaptation of a common environment is required, they build up inflexible differences. The conjunction of Mercury and Saturn between charts can possess shades of both the challenging and flowing aspects mentioned above. The man said, "Sure, Bobby's a good, steady boy. Mercury might feel childish or not bright enough. #1. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. Also, your conversations tend to focus on serious topics or practical affairs and business, which can become dull for one or both of you. Sun-Saturn Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary It was she who fired his full passion of devotion to the general good. They were finally parted by Mars' untimely death by accident at the age of 44. However, over time, there can be subtle competitiveness between you on a mental level that can actually be quite destructive if not attended to. MERCURY NORTH PARALLEL MERCURYThe two people have different life patterns, with some few similarities. Venus-Saturn Aspects In The Synastry Chart - Tea & Rosemary If I didnt talk enough or begin enough conversations, he would think I was not interested enough. With one, the aspect moved out and the couple married. [p] Several love affairs had disastrous results. As adults, Mercury had periods of deep concern over the mental and physical health of one sister. His logic: Aren't women supposed to be the more communicative types? She was able to accept the man imparitally without any urge to personal involvement. There is an easy and natural affinity, as Mercury is proud of the Sun. [p] There is a vigor, a stimulation between the two people. In a long-term marriage, a man had Mercury conjunct his wife's Neptune. There can be a serious tone to your conversations that impedes a natural flow of communication. Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects This still may be costly in some way, usually to Mercury. [p] This is the greater malefic in the most discordant aspect. The planet of karma and the karmic points align. Mercury square Pluto is a heavy connection, as it brings in constant tension, especially on the level of the intellectual. There were hidden levels that the two were unable to exchange. MERCURY TRINE SATURNMercury has a spontaneous and natural contact with Saturn in which he can easily handle any difficulty that arises. [p] When people meet during a Mercury square Sun progression, Mercury is quite willing to break through obstacles to relate to the Sun. How the conjunction of the Moon and Mercury operates in synastry between partners. There is an ease of circumstance, or a common interest that brings them into the same environment. Saturn Conjunct the Ascendant. At the time of this aspect, the man's Mercury made 4 N parallels to planets in the woman's chart. The energy and desire patterns do not blend in full. [p] In some examples, the two people had no commensurate responsibility on which to base a relationship. Unlike the Mars-Pluto aspects, with Mercury square Pluto synastry, there may be a clash of attitudes and beliefs with this partnership. Pluto conjunct Lilith in Synastry | Astrologers' Community He understands or identifies from his own personal experience with Neptune's sensitive dream of the aesthetic ideal, or with his secret fantasy toward ease, ecstasy and the erotic sensations. In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry . Whatever it is, Moon can feel somewhat constrained by the relationship, and unable to express the child within, simply because of the expectation that Saturn may not approve, may not be capable of understanding, or may not be equipped to handle these expressions. [p] In a few examples of total irresponsibility, Mercury took selfish advantage of Saturn, financially, sexually, or with deceit. [p] In all the examples, Mercury gives some beneficence to Jupiter. we also have the merc/pluto contacts. He understands or identifies from his own personal experience with Pluto's ethos, his aspirations, or with his insidious dark areas. He and Pluto met in spontaneous devotion, and were blessed in their work together for humanity, in literature, art, and culture. Hyatt Place New Taipei City Xinzhuang. These are not long term burdens, but rather incidents that occur during the time of Mercury and Saturn's association. Saturn needs to face his or her fears and consciously work on not clamping down on Moon, and Moon, instead of reacting defensively to Saturn, must also look to see whether Saturn does have a point, so to speak, and Moon can actually benefit from some of the more reasonable boundaries that Saturn seems to draw. The Saturn person in the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship is going to be the one who sets boundaries and continually challenges their partner to become more responsible and mature. [p] The progressions are subtle. At the outset, there can be some resistance or reluctance to forming a relationship and/or a commitment with each other on one of the individuals parts, as if he or she senses that committing to the other person will involve something heavy. Saturn in Synastry | Cafe Astrology .com If it is a romantic relationship, sex has an addictive quality. The person was a your lover in a past life. My Mercury in Leo is a 2nd house placement and his Saturn Pluto is 12th. Your Saturn partner listens well, guides, and disciplines you in mostly pleasing ways. [p] The progressions show a period of time when there is periodic contact, either on a daily or intermittent basis. [p] In some cases of Mercury opposition Pluto the two have a period of temporary separation of viewpoint or experience in a basically harmonious relationship because they are in a time of deepening or enlarging aspirations and experience. [p] In another case Neptune was murdered. Mercury is very curious. [p] There was one period during their marriage when they had a scandal. [p] In some examples, the two people clash in a mutual identification of hostility patterns. There were several short affairs, in one, a woman Mercury was in love with Mars, but did not make sufficient effort to hold his attention. Capricorn Welcome to Lindaland ( Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Saturn conjunct Saturn in synastry . Even as children, their everyday experiences took different patterns; their moods and temperament conflicted. The finished product received little acclaim at the cost of a great deal of effort. [p] When Mercury and Neptune maintain an integral aesthetic ideal there is little chance of scandal. The most exact aspect in our charts is Mercury Square Saturn (he is Mercury, I am Saturn, the Orb is 0'09). They parted into different group environments, but still cooperated in their business settlement. Welcome to Lindaland ( Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Saturn conjunct Sun in Synastry=Glue? Mars - astrology meaning Mars symbolizes the need to get what we want. [p] When Mercury is indifferent, or covert, he may lose the benefit entirely. He was married, she was not. Saturn-Neptune-synastry | AstroGarden - ProBoards Their relationship was primarily a clash of wills. Only in the case of multiple N parallels of several planets is the bond strong enough to withstand the pressures that tend to divide them. Mercury has the opportunity presented for some quality or condition that he finds ideal. Evolved1 Knowflake . [p] One of these was a brief affair in Mercury's hotel room; two are doctor-patient relationships, where the doctor also treated Mercury's children and one was of a young man and older woman who met in the school class room, had a brief exchange of sympatico, and separated. Do you attribute more to the negative pluto aspects or the saturn/merc aspect? MERCURY SEXTILE SATURNMercury has the ability to develop a secure and responsible contact with Saturn. See our Romantic Compatibility Report, and other Compatibility reports. MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTOMercury has a familiarity with the heights and depths of Pluto. MERCURY CONJUNCT JUPITERMercury has a familiarity with Jupiter's manner of expansion. He proved this when he took a similar position with a competitive company. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. They did love each other. [p] When Mercury takes willful leadership, he either has a power struggle or loss of contact with the Sun. [p] The progressions have the same tone, showing the time when the two come together spontaneously. It will also help them to navigate difficult aspects between them. Saturn can feel mighty threatened by this simple experience. [p] In the various cases, Saturn's difficulty may be in business efforts, over-work, loneliness or poverty, death in the family, depression or discouragement. [p] A priest with Mercury opposition the Pluto of a young woman worked with her in church groups and personally supported her through a period of reversing her aspirations to a courageous and noble decision. Mercury/Saturn aspects as the most exact aspect - Lindaland - Linda Goodman There is a certain time when the way is clear for the, to build a mature exchange. The other son was a serious, responsible boy. [p] In another example Mercury's father Pluto was murdered. [p] Many of these examples are of people who make contact in a group situation. [p] The progressions show a particular time when Saturn was hard working, mature and responsible, had a grief or loss, was poor or in debt, or was ailing, physically or mentally. The Mercury person can feel intimidated by the Saturn persons practicality. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 No, no other Saturn aspects except Sun trine Saturn and Saturn sextile Mars. [p] A woman had Mercury conjunct the Moon of her husband's best friend. Pluto finds Mercury intriguing. [p] The deepest and finest of human relationships for the good of both can be directed to the good of mankind. [p] In various examples, Mercury was assassinated; Mercury was imprisoned for his own misconduct; Mercury lost his business; Saturn died at an early age; Saturn was in an auto accident where he was badly broken up; Saturn was homeless and alone; Saturn had a series of accidents and illnesses. In various cases, Saturn was divorced, had legal problems, poor health, overwork, discipline, or restriction. There was a periodic contact, as both women bore the man children. North Node Conjunct Moon Synastry, North Node Conjunct Moon, Trine The two can easily reconcile their differences with a little effort. Copyright 2000-2015 The actress receied national accliam for a movie role at the same time that she and her mother received discredit for their personal relationship. But the truth of the matter is, given the depth of the attachment to each other, there is much to gain from working on the intimacy issues described above. Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts LIVE Taipei | Taipei City Official Live Camera - posted December 18, 2006 06:07 PM. [p] Where the two do not stimulate each other to conflict, they are nonetheless separated periodically by their sex or energy patterns, or by accident, injury or rejection. [p] The progressions have examples of more intimacy. [p] The Neptune aspects indicate the aesthetic or ecstatic fantasies, the release of tension or effort, or the mystical experience that comes with drug use. Neptune does rule drugs, and in the examples where drugs are a distinguished part of the exchange between these two people, it will be mentioned. He would say things like, I really dont know why you find that so funny. As time passed, a dark cloud formed above the couple. [p] When he takes no effort, the chance is lost in the passage of time. [p] A typical example is in that of two men friends with Mercury opposition Pluto. [p] When Mercury is temperamental and unsympathetic, the periodic contact will fluctuate or break entirely. [p] A patient had Mercury square the Pluto of his doctor. This cross-aspect is a powerful one. The Saturn person is not as inclined to criticism or control. In two cases Mars was killed after living for 20 and 30 years with Mercury. This synastry aspect indicates that in the past life, there . His social life is too active to not text others. The Mercury person may, in some ways, look up to the Saturn person, who tends to display a rather mature way of thinking that Mercury admires. Aquarius [p] In some of the examples the obstacles are such that Mercury cannot give Saturn the type of help he needs. Their attitudes clashed so violently in the intimate contact that both withdrew in a state of shock. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts [p] In one example, a woman with Mercury conjunct a man's Jupiter, paid 45000.00 to get him out of a legal bind at the time of this progression. Either one (or both) people involved may have made it clear at some early point in the interaction that this relationship was to be a serious or committed one. [p] Because their circumstances are so propitious there is an occasional love affair that is gone into so easily, it has repurcussions of guilt and resentment. [p] Another couple attempted to work in cooperation on a difficult project that they were unable to complete. From our Romantic Compatibility report: Your relationship may have begun without serious communication problems, although there can be some reserve at the beginning, as Mercury especially feels somewhat awkward and self-conscious around Saturn in terms of what to say, how to say it, and so forth. Where they reach an understanding or identification of this, the full expression of their spiritual aspirations, or their dark areas, does not blend. Sun Conjunction Mars Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Astrology when we do get together -- it's yak yak yak, and the communication spills way over the top and just keeps on pouring out. Tarot Card Reading, Tarot Card Learning. There were secret love affairs that were ecstatic and erotic; and one case of secret abortion of a pregnancy. unfortunately I have this with my boyfriend and experienced it the most with my ex (mars opp pluto is an exact aspect). Square energy represents blocked energies in a synastry chart- and with this aspect, Saturn's cold and serious nature tends to be amplified. Mercury Conjunct Mercury Synastry: Relationships and - Numerologysign next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Saturn conjunct Sun in Synastry=Glue? Saturn can be serious about the moon persons feelings and often seeks to react and manage them in a mature and genuine way. MERCURY TRINE PLUTOMercury spontaneously falls into a cooperative contact with Pluto. On the other hand,the Ascendant person may feel stifled or oppressed by the Saturn person, but the rest of the synastry is needed to tell us if this is the case. [p] In other cases, the two were separated by distance at the time when Saturn has a need; or Mercury has other commitments that had to come first. When her roommate moved out he had the opportunity presented to move in with her. The Saturn partner leads the Mercury partner to the necessary lessons, tells them about the responsibility, burden and the means to achieve wisdom, which will add fullness to their existence. [p] There are beautiful examples of firm relationships where there is an equal exchange of nourishment and care, trust and tenderness. As time passed, she felt that whenever she found someone else funny or even something else funny, her partner came down on her in some way. They met and parted with distaste or contempt. Let's take an example of Mercury conjunct Saturn in synastry. Synastry:MoonPlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The personal planet person feels like he or she has to constantly monitor what he or she does or says in the presence of the Saturn person. They started a business partnership with a million dollar backing from a national corporation. This may be talent, intelligence or capability, or it may be in business, profession, prestige or wealth. No, no other Saturn aspects except Sun trine Saturn and Saturn sextile Mars. There is an obstacle of incompatibility in their ethical heights or covert depths. Saturn-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry - Stars and Tarot

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