What happens when we see Jupiter conjunct the ascendant of a partner. In practice, Venus / Ascendant conflicts do not seem to be too much of a disadvantage.There is a good chance that their tension will make us more interesting to others.Therefore, even with these aspects, we can expect easy social intercourse and a genuinedesire for a peaceful, harmonious environment. The person is nothing if not adventurous and progressive-minded. In the company of your superiors or people you admire, you tend to be shy. When describing them as nice, they are friendly and naturally inviting, in the sense of complimenting or making the other person feel at ease. Mutable sign energy(sag, virgo, gemini) + mercury energy (gemini, 3rd house, virgo, 6th house) = rambling on and on about a topic or their thoughts. If Eros conjuncts Saturn, one may become promiscuous in the attempt to express Eros. Please dont plagiarise my posts. She wields her beauty like a sword too. You may exude venusian qualities to your style, persona, etc. Your ability to get along with others and your grace and ease in dealing with the public helps you to achieve success. What completes one on a soul type level. Together, they two are able to dream, indulge and get completely lost in a world of their own making. This is largely due to the fact that you feel a strong need to be true to your instincts and intuition, and if you are not absolutely inspired, you dont feel right working on a projectyou might feel that you are faking it, and this doesnt sit well for you. An aspect between Venus and the Ascendant in Synastry can point strongly to attraction, where the Venus person enjoys or is stimulated by the Ascendant person's body energy and mannerisms. Trust is a much needed commodity. Eros/Pluto Powerful and transformative as typical Pluto aspects tend to be. Venus Trine Ascendant A square is a hard aspect between the planets, representing the restrictions and challenges the individual may face with the conflicting planet energies. The year started with powerful and forward thinking energy that will assist in elevating us both spiritually and subconsciously. Youre popular and attract happiness since youre diplomatic, tactful and take others happiness into consideration. ^ May need to work on self-love before getting into any physical/committed relationships. Because the planets energies aspecting are opposing each other, it creates tension and is the opposite of an easy flow. Your mind works like lightning. Virgo suns with cancer placements in the kpop industry are admired for their visuals, they can be chic, elegant, cute, cool etc. You work hard, although subtly, to make sure that people are warmly disposed toward you, and you try to emphasize your better qualities to prove you are worthy of their friendship. Opposition are when planets aspect each other at 180 degrees. In this synastry, there is a mutual attraction between Venus and Ascendant on both physical and emotional levels. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. ^ Need to balance the give-and-take aspects of relationships. You want to be in charge of situations and take leadership roles rather than following someone elses lead. Progressive in style, because there is a bravery in trying to expand the sense of self which reflects in their aesthetics. Harmony is easily brought into self expression. What does it mean if you have venus trine ascendant at 0 degree orb. A bit passive compared to the other positive aspect, trines. You must also learn to appreciate what you bring into any situation as well. When your Vertex forms a connection with Venus, there is often a powerful relationship formed that will change both your lives forever. Ascendant High prominent cheekbones, lower upper lip, jaw is curved out, venus touches the fire house making the native radiate hotness. They also feel really comfortable and really familiar with each other. Juno - Mars: There is a lot of sexual charisma between two people who have this aspect. I have a sensitive stomach due to the prominence of my virgo placements (having virgo moon, rising, and venus) and having uranus in 6th also, I sometimes get stomachaches or stomach cramps unexpectedly. It is a love that is not as binding or otherworldly as Valentine but can cause as much passion and desire as Venus. Ascendant trine/opposite Ascendant, Descendant, Moon, Sun, or Saturn within 2 degrees orb is also valid. Venus Conj. This can lead to difficulty expressing the aspect of the planet energies and has to be resolved through compromise of one or the other. You will be especially aware of each other's affectionate nature. Moodboards - Planet Conjunct Ascendant Pt. Powerful self expression, the individuals can reach a higher plane with how they connect to the world around them through their self expression. Its okay to create their own fashion sense and not feel obligated to fit in sometimes. You are an excellent and very loving partner who lavishes affection on your companion because he or she is the source of much that is important in your life. There is a definite openness to metaphysics and the occult. Joy from Red velvet and Wonyoung from Ive. On the surface you are docile, gentle, and charming, but underneath you conspire and connive to make a better life for yourself through the people in your environment. You are drawn to truly refined and sophisticated people, not so much to the ones who substitute glitter for class. You must also learn to appreciate what you bring into any situation as well. This is tumultuous and exciting but when it all ends it crumbles hard. The residue follows them even after it all ends. Within relationships, you may feel like planning a romantic evening for your partner or going out with friends to an artistic or musical performance. The stereotypes regarding Tauruses liking food isnt true all the time but it is notable that taurus placements have a certain relationship with food, whether they diet or use food as comfort. They may use their connections to gain status/fame. This aspect both links these two faculties and creates tension between them. There is a part of you that loves to shock, challenge, and instigate with the things you say; however, this may not be a conscious process. May need to learn how important being genuine really is, and not tend to wear a mask or worry about what others may think of them too much. Eg. Extremely charismatic, sometimes doesnt even realise the impact they have on others. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. He may often speak without due forethought and thereby offend others. Eros/Eros* Explosive since there could be a lot in common between the two. But the person may be only too aware of the fact. Youre quite comfortable around other people, and may enjoy time spent with companions. In fact, you can have real flashes of genius and your ideas and perspectives are often very original. My gemini friend has a gemini stellium and 6th house stellium and gurl literally sets multiple playlists of different moods, one for her relaxing and falling to sleep, one for walking to school like badass music, one for when shes sad and listening to sad music. These romantic and sexual feelings can be long-lasting depending on the natal charts of each individual and . This may make me sound like a pervert, but I cry . Venus and Ascendant person radiate a powerful and mysterious aura that piques the interest of each other. This is a consuming aspect for both since they will be fascinated by one another and every moment they have together serves as a new life changing experience. Marilyn Monroe, Meryl Streep, and Selena Gomez have a Leo rising. Others may try to use these qualities against you, so it would be best to remember that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. He is proud, rebellious, willful and obstinate. Your best publicity agents are your friends, who freely extol your virtues when anyone asks them. But, careful now: the harder they come the harder they fall!Mercury rules the mental processes and the neuro-circuits of the brain, Uranus corresponds to the higher mind, the sudden insight type of thinking. As well as having the genius ability you can also suffer from mental overload caused by the higher mind or thought processes running faster than the circuits of the brain can handle. You hope no one perceives your negative qualities and discovers how insecure you really are. A roller coaster of emotions, the feelings of chaos and the desires that are pushed to the surface. Your mind works like lightning. Cancer risings styles fall with the sweetheart, gentleman, and elegant look. Need to stay away from people - pleasing tendencies when feeling insecure. You dislike restraint of any kind and you dont like to take orders. Eros conjunct the Ascendent manifests Eros the most. They are chatty with neighbors, friends, and relatives, perhaps to the point of being gossipy. Trust is a much needed commodity. May need to work extra hard to be grounded in reality and understand that not everything revolves around them, i.e. You have a tendency to be, or to appear to be, scatterbrained. They show great care and sympathy for the house person. Eros sees Jupiter as their confidant and trusts them. They desire to be close to each other, they want to promote the best for one another and when they are together, passion blinds them both. Friedrich Nietzsche had the Mercury opposite Uranus aspect within one degree. Of course, thats how its done in life, but you do need to watch a tendency to use people just because of their status. They may just need to get away from superficial people around them and find true friendships/relationships who value them for who they truly are. Eros sees Saturn as a mentor or guardian. The Venus person also appreciates the way the Ascendant behaves and presents themselves. This brings a high level of cooperation, gentleness and emotional awareness. Venus in the 12th house conjunct the Ascendant usually makes the the person more attractive to other people than they realize. With Venus trine Midheaven, you love to work with beautiful things. Tend to look young/not their age as they grow older - age like fine wine. And he is a thorn in the side of the powers that be. Maximum 3 degrees orb. These people can be very popular and can indulge in life a lot, but this aspect can . When someone's Vertex is conjunct your Ascendant (meaning in the same sign), your Vertex is conjunct their Ascendant. The natives both learn to evolve from simple minded desires and they seek new ways to grow and love. You are an independent person who wants to have control over your own life. Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you and is probably something you care a great deal about. Artistic andother aesthetic forms of expression are therefore more likely to find an outlet.Sometimes, however, the outlet is simply a matter of trying to impose ones own tastes. (Especially if Venus in 7H). He may fancy herself a gift to the world, and make a pest of himself to others. If there is abuse of your good nature, you tend to ignore it, believing that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Your ability to get along with others and your grace and ease in dealing with the public helps you to achieve success.

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